DeSantis ACCUSED of Being Pro-Slavery! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 7/30/23


In recent years, the education curriculum in Florida has undergone significant changes, particularly concerning the topic of slavery. These changes have sparked controversy and heated debates. Governor Ron DeSantis has been at the forefront of combating what many refer to as the leftist agenda, which includes critical race theory being taught in schools. The inclusion of various aspects of slavery in Florida’s new curriculum, such as its causes, consequences, and key figures, has raised concerns. In this article, we will delve deeper into this issue and explore the accusations made against Governor DeSantis regarding his alleged pro-slavery stance.

Heading 1: Florida’s Changes in Education Curriculum Regarding Slavery and the Controversy They Have Caused

Florida’s recent changes in the education curriculum, specifically regarding the subject of slavery, have sparked intense controversy. These changes aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the historical context surrounding slavery in America. However, critics argue that the revised curriculum fails to acknowledge the atrocities inflicted upon enslaved individuals and instead focuses on a misguided notion of the benefits they might have gained.

Heading 2: Governor Ron DeSantis and His Fight Against the Leftist Agenda

Governor Ron DeSantis has emerged as a prominent figure in combating the leftist agenda, which includes critical race theory being taught in schools. DeSantis believes that this ideology only serves to divide students along racial lines and promotes a biased view of history. As a result, he has taken steps to ensure that Florida’s education system promotes a fair and balanced understanding of historical events, including slavery.

Heading 3: Florida’s New Curriculum: Covering Causes, Consequences, and Key Figures of Slavery

Florida’s revised curriculum on slavery encompasses a range of topics, including its causes, consequences, and key figures involved. The aim is to provide students with a more nuanced understanding of this dark period in American history. By examining the factors that contributed to the institution of slavery and exploring the lasting effects it had on both individuals and society as a whole, students will gain a broader perspective.

Sub-heading 3.1: Slaves Developing Skills for Personal Benefit

One bullet point in Florida’s new curriculum outlines the notion that slaves developed skills for their own personal benefit. This point has been met with criticism, particularly by leftists such as Kamala Harris, who argue that it attempts to undermine the horrors endured by enslaved individuals. The criticism revolves around the belief that slavery involved dehumanization, rape, torture, and the separation of families, leaving no room for any supposed benefits.

Sub-heading 3.2: Democrats Weaponizing the Controversy

Democrats have seized upon the controversy surrounding Florida’s curriculum changes to attack Governor DeSantis and portray Republicans as pro-slavery. They argue that the inclusion of the point about slaves developing skills is an attempt to downplay the severity of slavery and sanitize its history. By associating DeSantis with pro-slavery sentiments, Democrats hope to tarnish his reputation and gain political leverage.

Heading 4: DeSantis Denies Involvement and Defends the Curriculum

Governor DeSantis has categorically denied any involvement in crafting the curriculum and reaffirmed that it was assembled by scholars. He maintains that the revised curriculum seeks to provide a more comprehensive understanding of slavery and its impact on American society. DeSantis argues that the accusations made against him are politically motivated and an attempt to discredit his efforts to promote an unbiased education system.

Heading 5: Republicans Should Stand Firm

The accusations and attacks against Governor DeSantis should serve as a reminder to Republicans not to grant any grace to their political opponents, as Democrats would do the same. It is essential to defend the curriculum changes that aim to present a balanced perspective on the subject of slavery. By withstanding the political pressure and staying true to their principles, Republicans can ensure that future generations learn a comprehensive and accurate account of American history.


The controversy surrounding Governor DeSantis and Florida’s curriculum changes on slavery has ignited fierce debates about the representation of history in education. While accusations of pro-slavery sentiments have been directed at DeSantis, the governor has vehemently denied any involvement and defends the revised curriculum as a more comprehensive and balanced approach to teaching this dark chapter in American history. It is crucial to navigate this contentious issue with a commitment to providing students with a nuanced understanding of slavery that acknowledges the atrocities suffered by enslaved individuals while also examining wider historical context.