Dems Plot Against Justice Thomas – Invoke DOJ Investigation

In a shocking turn of events Senator Bernie Sanders has joined forces with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse to call for An investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over allegedly Undisclosed gifts thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker your freedom is at stake Get the news that impacts America tap Subscribe to preserve it before we get To that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under Your eyes or just other usual signs of Aging maybe more than just stress within A year there's a possibility that your Collagen levels are low after taking Collagen powder for just one week I've Noticed a significant reduction in Wrinkles and Fine Lines by visiting or clicking more Underneath the video you can get a bag For 51 off plus several free bonuses for Their New Year's sale now back to the News with the Supreme Court on the line The Democrats are doing everything in Their power to leverage political power And legal resources in order to control The court this includes packing the Supreme Court and removing conservative Justices through their connections in The already compromised Department of Justice Sanders claimed on msnbc's Inside with jensaki that Thomas's Behavior is outrageous and that the

Department of Justice should be looking Into his actions take a look Well I think uh Senator Whitehouse is on The right track Um the Supreme Court does not have to go Along with the same type of Ethics rules That members of Congress and other Judges do and it's time we ended uh that Leniency for the sabrika some of what We're reading about in terms of Judge Thomas is really quite outrageous and I Think it needs to be investigated But by the Department of Justice Yes right And a number of colleagues of yours in The house and in the Senate too have Call have said he should be impeached do You think that if wrongdoing is found he Should be impeached Well I think the first thing you want to Do before you impeach somebody is Investigate the situation and I think That is what the Department of Justice Should be doing Well this comes after accusations were Made about Thomas's Financial Relationship with Harlan Crowe a Dallas-based real estate developer and GOP donor Crow reportedly gave Thomas Personal gifts and trips which the Supreme Court Justice failed to disclose Take a look So last week propublica incredible Reporting broke the story about the

Lavish gifts Thomas has received from His billionaire buddy for 20 years Thomas has been joining Crow on Vacations worth hundreds of thousands of Dollars he has flown on Crow's private Plane cruised around the globe on his 162 Foot super yacht and made annual Trips to his private Resort in the Adirondack Mountains Crow even Commissioned this just breathtakingly Beautiful painting memorializing their Time at the resort smoking cigars Alongside conservative lawyers there's Leonard Leo right there the guy that Runs a federal society and that's Crow On the far right seated next to Thomas Now crucially and this is really really Key Thomas never reported any of this at all On his financial disclosure forms that Appears to be a clear violation of a law Passed after the Watergate scandal that Requires justices to disclose most gifts Now in the wake of that bombshell Pro-publica report Justice Thomas Released a damningly weak and Weasley Statement claiming that early in his Tenure on the court quote he was advised That this sort of personal Hospitality From close personal friends who did not Have business before the court was not Reportable But the attacks on Justice Thomas do not Stop there newer allegations suggest

That Thomas also failed to disclose a Real estate transaction with Crow which Had only added fuel to the fire despite These accusations Thomas has maintained His innocence and defended himself Saying that he sought guidance from Others in the Judiciary and was advised That the personal Hospitality from close Friends who did not have business before The court was not reportable the ongoing Crusade to take down justice Thomas is Not only unfounded but is a Despicable Attack on a man who has spent his entire Career fighting for justice in the rule Of law the continued attempts to smear His reputation the reputation of the Supreme Court are a dangerous precedent For our democracy Thomas is known for His unwavering commitment to Conservative values and his dedication To interpreting the Constitution as it Is written for this reason he's been Subjected to Relentless attacks from Those on the left to seek to undermine His authority and his influence on the Supreme Court these attacks are not only Baseless but also simply abhorrent the Left's attempts to portray Justice Thomas as unethical are nothing more Than a political stunt to fuel their own Agenda it is a disgraceful tactic and One that should not be celebrated or Tolerated by any American we must stand Up for justice Thomas and the Integrity

Of the Supreme Court This meritless Witch Hunt must be stopped in its tracks The goal of those pushing for an Investigation is not about Justice or Righteousness it's about tearing down a Man who stands for everything they Oppose the Department of Justice must Resist the calls to investigate Justice Thomas instead we need to come together As a country and focus our efforts on Championing the Great American values That Justice Thomas has dedicated his Life to upholding freedom Justice and Prosperity for all let's continue this Conversation in the comments below let Me know your thoughts for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in her face While it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face

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