Democrats TURN on Joe Biden, Toss Him Down STAIRS in Search of REPLACEMENT | Kamala, Gavin, HILLARY?

Democrats TURN on Joe Biden, Toss Him Down STAIRS in Search of REPLACEMENT | Kamala, Gavin, HILLARY?


In an unexpected turn of events, it seems that the media and Democrats are starting to question their support for President Joe Biden as the 2024 election looms ahead. Recent polls have shown a decline in Biden’s popularity, prompting speculation about potential challengers from within his own party. This article will delve into the emerging rumors, including the possibility of Hillary Clinton throwing her hat into the ring and the increasing speculation of Michelle Obama as a potential replacement candidate for the Democrats.

The Media and Democrats are turning on Joe Biden as polls for 2024 look grim:

As Joe Biden’s approval ratings decline, the media and members of his own party are starting to question their unwavering support. It’s no secret that Biden has faced criticism for his handling of various issues, including the economy, immigration, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These concerns have fueled doubts about his ability to secure a second term. Some political pundits highlight that Democrats are growing increasingly anxious about the party’s chances in the 2024 election and are beginning to explore alternative options.

Hillary Clinton privately warned Biden to take third-party challengers seriously:

Rumors have circulated that Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee, privately warned Joe Biden about the possibility of facing third-party challengers in the upcoming election. Clinton, well-versed in the unexpected twists and turns of the political landscape, knows firsthand how third-party candidates can disrupt a party’s chances of victory. Her advice to Biden could be an indication of potential challenges he may face from within his own party.

Biden could face challenges from inside his own party in the 2024 election:

Not only are the media and Democrats questioning Biden’s viability as a candidate in 2024, but potential challenges from within the Democratic Party itself are also being considered. It’s not uncommon for members of the same party to challenge an incumbent president. In fact, history has shown that such challenges can create a more robust discussion of policy and bring fresh perspectives to the forefront. As the election approaches, it remains to be seen if any notable Democrats will step up to challenge Biden for the party’s nomination.

Hillary Clinton may be considering challenging Joe Biden in 2024:

One prominent name that has emerged as a potential challenger to Joe Biden is Hillary Clinton herself. Clinton, who narrowly missed securing the presidency in 2016, has a strong presence within the Democratic Party and a loyal base of supporters. Speculation about her 2024 intentions has been fueled by her recent public remarks and her involvement in various political events. A Clinton candidacy would undoubtedly shake up the race, bringing her experience and political clout to the forefront.

Hillary Clinton is starting a podcast discussing hip-hop and criminal justice reform:

In an interesting twist, Hillary Clinton is set to launch a podcast focusing on hip-hop and criminal justice reform. While this seems unrelated to her potential candidacy, it showcases her desire to remain relevant and engaged in political discourse. This move could be seen as an attempt to connect with younger voters and solidify her position as a progressive force within the Democratic Party.

Biden’s comments about rappers and his declining support among black voters are causing concern:

Joe Biden’s recent comments about rappers and declining support among black voters have raised concerns within the Democratic Party. His remarks were met with backlash from prominent figures in the hip-hop community, who felt that his statements were dismissive and out of touch. The decline in black voter support could be a significant blow to Biden’s chances of securing a second term. This growing dissatisfaction within a crucial voting bloc adds fuel to the speculation of a potential replacement candidate.

Ted Cruz predicts that the Democrat Party may replace Biden with Michelle Obama as their candidate:

Republican Senator Ted Cruz recently made headlines when he predicted that the Democratic Party might replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle Obama as their candidate. While Cruz’s statements may be seen as political posturing, they highlight the growing buzz surrounding Michelle Obama and her potential role in the 2024 election. Her popularity and ability to energize voters could make her an appealing choice for Democrats looking for an alternative to Biden.

Michelle Obama earned nearly $750,000 for a one-hour speech, raising speculation about her intentions:

Michelle Obama’s recent earnings from a one-hour speech, reportedly totaling nearly $750,000, have raised eyebrows and further fueled speculation about her intentions for the 2024 election. Such a hefty paycheck serves as a reminder of her influence and draw as a public figure. It’s no surprise that her every move is closely scrutinized, particularly when it comes to potential political ambitions.

The chances of Michelle Obama becoming the Democrat candidate increase with every criticism of Biden:

As criticism against Joe Biden continues to mount, the chances of Michelle Obama becoming the Democratic candidate for the 2024 election seem to increase. While many factors come into play when selecting a candidate, the growing discontent with Biden and the desire for a fresh face within the party could work in Obama’s favor. Her reputation, charisma, and ability to unite various factions of the party make her a formidable contender.

Concerns about Michelle Obama being parachuted in as a replacement for Biden in the 2024 election:

Some concerns have been voiced about the possibility of Michelle Obama being “parachuted in” as a replacement for Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Critics argue that such a move would undermine the democratic process and the voice of the voters. While speculations and rumors continue to swirl, only time will tell if Michelle Obama decides to pursue a presidential bid and if Democrats are willing to rally behind her.

In conclusion, the media and Democrats appear to be reassessing their support for President Joe Biden as the 2024 election approaches. With declining poll numbers, potential challenges from within the party, and the emergence of figures like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, the political landscape is rapidly evolving. As the race for the Democratic nomination heats up, it remains uncertain who will ultimately stand as the party’s candidate. The coming months will undoubtedly bring further twists and turns, capturing the attention of both political insiders and the American public alike.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews