Democrats Prioritize Politics Over Biden’s Deteriorating Health

As President Joe Biden gears up for his Re-election bid his fellow Democrats are Trying their best to deflect concerns About his age and mental acuity however Recent polls have shown a significant Portion of the Democrat Party have Doubts about Biden running again with His age being a significant factor Despite this Democrat Senator Chris Coons remains steadfast in his defense Of the 80-year-old president during an Interview with ABC News he even went as Far as to extol the virtues of Biden's Age claiming that his experience and Wisdom making make him imminently Qualified to run for another term Stay informed on the Democrats offense Of Biden's age and other urgent news by Subscribing below and enabling Notifications Coons who is also the co-chair of President Joe Biden's reelection Campaign recently defended the president Against concerns regarding his age Coons Faced questions from ABC News Martha Raddatz about a recent NBC poll which Reported that over half of Democrats Polled believe that Biden should not run For another term citing his age as a key Factor these concerns have also been Raised in other polls including from the Associated Press and the New York Times However Coons dismissed such concerns And instead argued that viewers

Appreciate Biden's age he referenced the Recent White House correspondence dinner And highlighted Biden's agility delivery And his speed on his feet Coons insisted That Biden's track record of leadership Both domestically and abroad makes him Highly qualified for the job of President and his experience and wisdom Should be valued as well watch And he's been talking about that record Since he became president he talks about It again and again there are obviously Some things he didn't get past an Assault weapons ban and things like that But I want to go back to the polls I Know I know polls are not the thing you Really want to talk about but in that Same poll 48 percent of those poll said They didn't want him to run again no Elephant in the room here because of age Yes and you were with me at the White House Correspondents dinner last night Many of there were thousands of folks in The room and Martha he was fast on his Feet he was agile he had great delivery You saw the State of the Union Address Nearly an hour and a half he was faster On his feet than most members of Congress I think Joe Biden is agile is Capable his record of leadership both at Home and abroad makes him eminently Qualified and we should be focusing some On the wisdom and experience he brings To the job in addition to the

Accomplishments he's had these first I [Laughter] Brad is press Coons further Acknowledging his point about the President's State of the Union Address But raising concerns about his Occasional stumbles and Rumble and Ramblings however Coons were made Steadfast in his support for Biden and Urged viewers to consider the Alternative to the president namely Former president Donald Trump he Insisted that Biden's fit capable in More aligned with where America wants to Go than his Republican opponents watch State of the Union had good comedic Timing last night I will give him that a Lot of that's on teleprompter and people Have seen him stumble these are people They talk to 48 said its age because They've watched him the President says Watch me and some of those people have Watched them and still have doubts so so What would you say to them about those Stumbles about rambling sometimes Martha I'd say compare him to the alternative Recognize the value of experience and Seasoning recognize that his values Align better with where we want America To go and in my meetings and Conversations with him in public and Private I more often the person who goes Um you know the new senator from uh Missouri then he does Joe Biden is fit

Capable and ready to serve another term What a joke While many Democrats try to brush off Concerns about Joe Biden's age and Mental acuity poll after poll show that A significant portion of the party is Starting to have doubts despite this Senator Coons and others continue to Insist that Biden is fit capable and Ready to serve another term Despite their intimate defense of President Biden's age and capabilities It's clear that his age is a cause for Concern for many Democrats this concern Is not unfounded as Biden has shown Numerous instances of forgetfulness and Incoherent speech moreover his policies Have been disastrous for a majority of Good hard-working Americans it's Unfortunate that Coons other Democrats Are willing to overlook these issues in Their quest for power as the 2024 Election approaches voters should Carefully consider whether they want to Continue down this path and vote for More of the same failed policies or Demand a change in Direction Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing

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