Democrats Kick 95-Year-Old Vet Out of Nursing Home, Give Room to Illegal Aliens | Leave him HOMELESS

Democrats Kick 95-Year-Old Vet Out of Nursing Home, Give Room to Illegal Aliens | Leave him HOMELESS


Have you ever heard of something so absurd? Recently, in our country, a 95-year-old war veteran named Frank was removed from his nursing home to make way for illegal aliens. It’s heartbreaking to think that our country, which should prioritize taking care of its own citizens, chooses to favor illegal immigrants instead. This incident sheds light on the flawed system and the unfair treatment of American veterans. In this article, we will dive deeper into this incident and explore the alarming situation in New York City. Let’s get started!

Our country favors illegal immigrants over American Veterans:

The shocking incident involving Frank is just one example of how our country seems to prioritize illegal immigrants over American veterans. It is indeed ironic that those who have fought for our freedom and sacrificed their lives are being neglected while others are given priority. This raises questions about the government’s priorities and the values that drive their decision-making process.

Korean War veteran, Frank, was kicked out of his nursing home to make way for criminal aliens:

Frank, a 95-year-old Korean War veteran, found himself forcibly removed from his nursing home to make room for criminal aliens. It is disheartening to see the mistreatment of a war hero who has served the country. This incident highlights the lack of respect for our veterans and the disregard for their well-being.

New York is a sanctuary city obligated to house criminal migrants:

New York City, often touted as a sanctuary city for immigrants, has an obligation to house criminal migrants. However, in doing so, they are neglecting the needs of their own citizens, especially the veterans who require special care and attention. This raises concerns about the city’s priorities and whether they are truly serving the best interests of their residents.

Thousands of migrants are now being housed at The Roosevelt Hotel in New York:

As the number of illegal migrants in New York City continues to rise, thousands of them have been accommodated at The Roosevelt Hotel. While these migrants are being provided with shelter and basic amenities, American veterans like Frank are left to fend for themselves. This stark contrast in treatment is deeply upsetting and highlights the disparity in care.

American immigration law has been unchanged since 1970, yet migrants are entering illegally:

Despite unchanged American immigration laws since 1970, there has been a significant influx of undocumented migrants entering the country illegally. This raises serious concerns about border security and the effectiveness of the immigration system. While immigration is an important issue, it should not take precedence over the well-being of American citizens, especially veterans who have served this nation.

Over 100,000 undocumented migrants have arrived in New York since last year:

The numbers speak for themselves. Over 100,000 undocumented migrants have arrived in New York City since last year alone. This staggering increase in numbers puts a strain on resources and funds that could otherwise be allocated to important services and programs for American citizens. Veterans like Frank, who have given so much to this country, deserve better treatment.

New York City is using taxpayer money to accommodate migrants while cutting city services:

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this situation is that New York City is using taxpayer money to accommodate migrants while simultaneously cutting important city services. It is unacceptable that funds meant for the well-being of American citizens, including veterans, are being redirected to support undocumented immigrants. This misuse of resources further exemplifies the misplaced priorities of the government.


The incident involving Frank, the 95-year-old Korean War veteran, being kicked out of his nursing home to make way for illegal aliens is a concerning reflection of the current state of affairs in our country. The prioritization of undocumented migrants over American veterans is unjust and highlights a system that is flawed. It is essential to address this issue and work towards creating a fair and balanced approach that serves the best interests of all citizens. Subscribe to the podcast for more content, sign up for The Benny Newsletter, and follow Benny on all his channels for updates.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews