In a shocking move the newly elected Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson is uh Doubling down on defending the youths Who caused Mayhem an injury to children In the heart of down And injuring two children in the heart Of downtown last weekend Johnson's Irresponsible leadership puts politics Over Public Safety and is a disgrace to The office of the mayor How much crankshaw news breaks every day Here be the first to know when tap Subscribe below to stay informed Before I get to that our widespread food Shortage is next it looks like it it Feels like it'll hit at any moment are You ready have you stocked up for at Least three months if not click more Below and check out prepare with for new lower prices save two Hundred dollars on a three-month Emergency food kit plus free shipping Visit prepare with right now And save 200 per kit now back to the News Yeah the riots that broke out in Downtown Chicago last weekend was not Just a case of young people making silly Decisions As mayor elect Brandon Johnson seems to Believe In what can only be described as a Shocking move Johnson is doubling down On his defense of the Lawless Youth and
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Putting politics over Public Safety The chaos that ensued during the riots Has left a scar on the community caused Damage to cars and buildings and left Two children injured watch [Music] Oh Yeah You know we spent past week Looking at these videos and just Wondering how you know how this can Happen it was there's nothing to wonder Again when when when you have you know a Half half an ounce of Common Sense and And a little bit of self-awareness and The void of MSNBC and CNN okay this is Incentivized and what what's horrible Here is that a lot of these young folks Are being enticed to do this And it's going to make their lives even Worse because they might be curious About little petty crimes but being Allowed to do petty crimes emboldens the Mind and makes you do larger crimes you Know so instead of encouraging you know People to to to go into these Communities and give people more hope The the guys like this this mayor like Reverend Al Sharpton They put nothing but negativity in the Minds of these people thinking that they Can't get out of the situation they're In so here is a whole generation of Young people
Who are coming up in with an even worse Impression of the greatest country on The planet where they can they have the Power to get themselves out of that Situation Despite this Johnson continues to make Excuses for the actions of the rioters Blaming their behavior on a lack of Opportunities in their own communities Right but why don't they have Opportunities in their community This is not only a ridiculous excuse but Also a dangerous one such a weak stance Only serves to emboldened and you know Embolden those who wish to cause harm Like I said yeshua's not about Demonizing children or young people as Johnson claims the problem here is that A group of youths acted in a destructive Manner that resulted in harm to people And property it is the job of the mayor To ensure Public Safety and Johnson's Statements undermine this fundamental Responsibility he claims that he doesn't Condone the destructive activity But then goes on to make excuses for the Very individuals who caused the Destruction this sends a dangerous Message not just to the Youth of Chicago But to anyone who wishes to flout the Law That there will be no consequences for Their actions Yet following this cowardly response to
Millions of dollars in damage Johnson Doubled down in a recent speech where he Made more excuses for the rioting angry Teens watch it for yourself Look demonizing children is wrong We have to keep them safe as well Have you ever taught Middle School I Have Have You Ever Raised young people Do you understand the risk that young People take just because they're young Do you know that home plate is at the Bottom of my stairs I found it out when My son was sliding down those stairs Trying to score they're young sometimes They make silly decisions they do and so We have to make sure that we are Investing to make sure that young people Know that they are supported So you're saying that a whole slew of Hundreds of kids going insane on the Street is keeping them safe okay Now I know thanks for that Johnson's approach of blaming a lack of Opportunities in their communities is Absurd does he think that's Justice That justifies the destruction of Private property or the harm caused to Innocent individuals He doesn't seem to realize that it's up To the community to create opportunities For themselves not wait for others to do It for them one cannot use lack of Opportunities as an excuse for bad Behavior the rule of law applies to all
Regardless of socio-economic Background By putting politics over Public Safety Johnson is you know he's setting a Dangerous precedence He's essentially saying that he will Protect those who support him or who he Believes need protection even if it Means endangering the rest of the Community A mayor should represent all residents Of their City not just a select few This is not only divisive but also Incredibly irresponsible Brandon Johnson is sending the wrong Message to the Chicago Community by Defending the actions of the youths who Acted in a destructive manner he's Putting politics over Public Safety this Is a disgrace to the office of the mayor And to the people of Chicago it's Essential that those in positions of Power realize their responsibility to Protect their communities and ensure Public Safety Johnson's weak stance only Emboldens those who wish to flout the Law and cause destruction Time for him to realize the gravity of The situation and take Swift action to Rectify it he's new he's got a chance He's got a chance to improve right I Don't know let us know what you think I'm rich crankshaw for the next News Network we'll see you next time Thank you for watching that report I'd
Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save two hundred dollars on A three-month emergency food kit and get Free shipping as well there's enough Food in this kit to nourish one person For a solid three months the kit Includes breakfast lunches dinners Drinks and snacks it provides you with 2 000 calories a day which will keep you Full and satisfied throughout the day Now is the perfect time for you to save Two hundred dollars on our prepare with kit the kits will be shipped to You fast and free of charge that's Prepared with we'll see you the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for
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