Dan Bongino: ‘A friend told me’ this about White House cocaine story


In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of Dan Bongino and his controversial claims about a White House cocaine story. Dan Bongino, a prominent figure in conservative media, has garnered attention with his bold statements on various subjects concerning the Trump administration and the ongoing legal issues surrounding it. He suggests that we are living in a police state and that President Trump is feared due to his knowledge of hidden secrets. Let’s explore these claims and their implications further.

Dan Bongino on Trump and Ongoing Legal Issues:

One of Dan Bongino’s recurring topics of discussion is the ongoing legal issues surrounding President Trump. Bongino believes that these issues are an indication of a police state, where the government’s power is used to suppress dissent and manipulate justice. He argues that the Trump administration has been subjected to unfair scrutiny and prosecution from those in power who seek to undermine his presidency.

Bongino’s Belief in Hidden Secrets:

According to Bongino, President Trump is feared by his opponents because he possesses knowledge of where the “bodies are buried.” This metaphorical expression implies that Trump has insider information on various scandals and wrongdoings that could potentially harm powerful individuals within the government. Bongino suggests that this fear is what drives the relentless legal battles Trump faces.

Call for the Removal of Individuals Involved in Police State Prosecutions:

Bongino goes a step further and advocates for the removal of individuals in charge of these prosecutions, whom he believes are responsible for creating a police state. He argues that their actions undermine the principles of justice and hinder the progress of the nation. Bongino believes that true justice can only be achieved by removing these individuals from positions of power.

Suspicions of Cocaine in the White House:

One of the more controversial claims made by Bongino revolves around the presence of cocaine in the White House. Bongino suggests that the cocaine may have been deliberately left behind for someone to find, and he suspects Hunter Biden’s involvement. He questions the authenticity of the story and believes it may be part of a larger plot.

Intrigue Surrounding the Secret Service:

Bongino raises questions about the Secret Service’s role in the White House cocaine story. He claims that the Secret Service must know who left the cocaine in the White House, as their duty is to protect the president and maintain the security of the premises. The fact that the presence of cocaine goes unnoticed raises suspicions in Bongino’s mind.

Allegations of Leaning on the Secret Service:

Furthermore, Bongino suggests that someone is exerting influence on the Secret Service to conceal the identity of the person responsible for leaving the cocaine. He believes that powerful forces are at work, preventing the truth from being revealed. Bongino’s claims lend themselves to a deep-rooted conspiracy involving high-ranking officials and secrecy within the ranks of the government.

Questions About the Cocaine’s Discovery:

Bongino questions the investigative process surrounding the cocaine’s discovery. He argues that the substance would certainly have left fingerprints, raising doubts about the thoroughness of the investigation. Additionally, Bongino questions how the person responsible for leaving the cocaine managed to close the cubby where it was found without leaving any evidence behind.


Dan Bongino’s claims about the White House cocaine story are provocative and raise pertinent questions about the state of our nation and the power dynamics at play within our government. While some may view his assertions as far-fetched, Bongino’s outspoken nature has attracted a significant following eager to uncover the truth. As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen whether there is any substance behind Bongino’s claims or if they are merely part of a larger narrative woven in the realm of conspiracy theories.

Thank you for reading this article on Dan Bongino’s cocaine story, where we explored his beliefs, suggestions, and concerns regarding the Trump administration and the alleged police state we live in. Stay tuned for further updates on this intriguing and controversial topic.

Note: The content of this article is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only.


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