CONTROVERSIAL: Dems STRIKE DOWN Reinstatement of Military Members Dismissed for Refusing COVID Vax


In recent times, the controversial issue surrounding the reintegration of military members who refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine has sparked significant debates. General David Berger’s statement highlighting how the vaccine mandate negatively impacts military recruiting and retention, along with claims from Democratic colleagues regarding the suffering of military readiness due to promotion delays, have fueled this controversy. To address the problems caused by the vaccine mandate, an amendment has been proposed. This article will delve into the details of this controversial topic, analyzing the arguments presented by both sides.


  1. Vaccine Mandate’s Impact on Military Recruiting and Retention
  • General David Berger expresses concern over the negative effects of the vaccine mandate on military recruiting and retention.
  • The difficulties faced in attracting potential recruits due to the vaccine requirement.
  • The impact of losing experienced military personnel who refuse to comply with the vaccine mandate.
  1. Democratic Colleagues and Military Readiness
  • Democratic colleagues argue that promotion delays caused by the vaccine mandate have negatively affected military readiness.
  • How the delays in promotions hinder the efficiency and operational capabilities of the military.
  • The need for a balanced approach to ensure both readiness and the safety of service members.
  1. The Proposed Amendment
  • A proposed amendment aims to address the problems that have arisen from the vaccine mandate.
  • The key objectives and provisions of the amendment.
  • The potential impact of the amendment on dismissed service members.
  1. Violation of Rights and Constitutional Protection
  • More than 8,400 military service members have been dismissed due to vaccine concerns.
  • The assertion that these dismissals have violated the rights of service members protected by the Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
  • The attempt to restore the rights of the dismissed service members through the amendment.
  1. Reinstatement and Change in Discharge Status
  • The amendment seeks to reinstate service members who were dismissed for refusing the COVID vaccine.
  • Exploring the possibility of changing the discharge status of dismissed service members.
  • The significance of reinstatement in terms of both personal and professional aspects.
  1. Restoring GI and VA Benefits for Dismissed Service Members
  • The amendment aims to restore the lost GI (Government Issue) and VA (Veterans Affairs) benefits for dismissed service members.
  • The importance of reinstating these benefits to support the well-being and livelihood of dismissed service members.
  • How the restoration of benefits can address the dissatisfaction caused by the mandatory vaccination.
  1. The Department of Defense’s Contemplation
  • The Department of Defense is considering implementing similar actions in response to the vaccine mandate.
  • The implications of additional dismissals on military readiness and morale.
  • The potential impact on the relationship between service members and their respective branches of the military.
  1. Opposition to the Vaccine Mandate
  • The amendment opposes the vaccine mandate for service members.
  • Arguing that refusing to carry out a lawful order undermines the fabric of the military.
  • The need to balance individual rights and the collective interests of the military.


The controversy surrounding the reinstatement of military members dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine exposes the complexities of balancing individual rights and the needs of the military. While General David Berger highlights the negative impact of the vaccine mandate on recruiting and retention, Democratic colleagues emphasize the adverse consequences on military readiness. The proposed amendment seeks to address the problems caused by the mandate, reigniting the debate on the rights of service members and the constitutional protection they receive. Ultimately, finding a solution that accommodates the concerns of both sides without compromising military efficiency remains a prominent challenge.

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