Foreign The government is very much centralized Science and and scientific discovery and There is this scientific industrial Complex that that fauci at least Apparently he appears to be at the top Of it but we don't know how deep that Goes yeah and I think this really points Out and I don't think it's been written About enough Um the beginning of the end for Scientific inquiry really is consensus And what was the first consensus the First big consensus was climate Consensus and people always like well Well gosh it has to be true because how All of the scientists are for it but it Turns out that all of the scientists That are for the climate consensus have One thing in common they all work for The government and so you get unified Group think when it's funded by One Source because all it takes is you know Like like fauci at NIH he's been there 40 years so he believes gain of function Is fine so everybody does the consensus Does because they're all getting I'm Getting our money via fouchy but climate Was the test run for this and it still Is referred to as the consensus in Anybody consensus like I think there are Some of the networks who won't let you On if you do not you have to first you Know bow down and and give allegiance to
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The consensus covid became that way too Yeah and and and I know you've you've Worked with him a lot Dr J bhattacharya Points out that the price you would pay As someone that might be a recipient of Either NIH funding or NIH blessed Private funding your career was ruined If you question the consensus yeah and Batacharya has been great and one of the Things he wrote was that and this is Sort of a profundity in one sentence he Said that you have to separate the Funders from the policy makers it can't Be the same people so if I'm funding and Creating the science and improving the Sciences and I also create policy and so For example if I'm creating the policy To mandate a vaccine but I'm also doing The studies on the vaccine and then lo And behold my agency gets money from the Vaccine manufacturers I mean for a long Time we were worried about still are are These individual scientists getting Royalties from the vaccine makers but Now even that's minuscule compared to Moderna has an agreement with NIH it Gave them 400 million dollars or the NIH Says they owed us that but they got 400 Million dollars so no one who's on the Receiving end of that 400 million Dollars can be objective now about their Vaccine because the more it's mandated The more money NIH will make and this is A real problem and other people are
Pointing out that even the journals Lancet and all the journals that are Somewhat controlled by big Pharma now There's they aren't really as objective As you'd like to think they're Peer-reviewed and all this but there's So much of the money that comes in in The form of advertising and support from The from Big Pharma that there really Isn't the objectivity you would hope for So you I suspect you and I have always Believed that private medical Innovation Is is one of the most important things That that free market capitalism brings To us but I've struggled with this this Blurring of the lines that you're Describing right now it's not at all Clear to me that we have anything Approximating a market when it comes to The development of medical Innovation Particularly when it comes to vaccines So much of it is controlled by the Government and then controlled by you Know people like fauci controlled it for 40 years but he appointed everybody Beneath them so he's probably got Another 50 years of control because Everybody in the upper echelon was all Appointed by him the chance of getting Someone outside of fausti's world is is Uh slim and none I think what you need For innovation in science and in Medicine also May be crimped by the idea Of everything is uniform in the payment
And with most economic Innovation you Need to allow the invention to be if It's really good invention that people Want for people to pay more for it you Know so you have to have the openness to A high price and then you know the Beauty of it and I love the the Jupiter Statement you know the miracle of Capitalism is not that Queens can have Silk stockings but that eventually the Factory girl has Silk Stockings or Calculators or what have you you know They're expensive in the beginning but If you don't allow the price to go up And since the price of medicine almost Everything is fixed by government you Know government's half of medicine or More in German somebody's kind of Follow That lead Um but there's outrage if something Costs too much but in the beginning Things have to cost more and then the Early adopters will be the wealthy until People say well there's a market now We've got to bring the price down to get More people to buy it Thank you