College Students Left Speechless When Questioned About Their Protest Reasons


Hey there, folks! We recently came across a mind-boggling video created by BlazeTV that left us utterly speechless. In this review, we will delve into the core of the matter and dissect the intriguing interactions that took place in the video. Join us as we navigate through the baffling world of college students and their protest reasons.

The Protest

As we, the Princeton students, embark on a hunger strike in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, our primary goals revolve around demanding disclosure, divestment, and a boycott of Israel. This hunger strike symbolizes our unwavering commitment to justice and resonates with the long-standing tradition of Palestinian political prisoners’ hunger strikes dating back to 1968.

The Conversation

In the video, we witnessed college students being questioned about the reasons behind their protest. The responses, or lack thereof, left us scratching our heads in bewilderment. Let’s dive deeper into the perplexing conversations that unfolded:

  • The students seemed at a loss for words when asked to articulate their motivations for participating in the protest.
  • Their vague and incoherent answers suggested a lack of understanding or engagement with the cause they were supporting.
  • When pressed for more information, the students struggled to provide coherent explanations, resorting to generic statements that lacked substance.

Our Resolve

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, we stand firm in our commitment to the cause. We will persevere in our hunger strike, abstaining from all food and drink except water until our demands are met. Our ultimate aim is to raise awareness, provoke critical thinking, and ignite tangible change in the face of adversity.

As we navigate through the complexities of activism and advocacy, let us remember the power of informed dialogue and meaningful action. Stay tuned as we continue to challenge perspectives, question norms, and strive for a better, more just world. Join us on this journey of discovery, reflection, and transformation.
