CNN Was Not Ready for Trump

As Donald Trump’s presidency took the United States by storm, CNN found itself facing a storm of its own. The news network, known for its rigorous reporting and coverage of politics, was unprepared for the unconventional candidate’s success in the 2016 presidential election. This blog post explores the reasons behind CNN’s failure to accurately predict and report on Trump’s rise to power, and the impact it had on the network’s reputation as a leader in journalism. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of political reporting and the challenges faced by major news outlets in today’s fast-paced media landscape.


Donald Trump’s presidency has been tumultuous and controversial, to say the least. Throughout his presidency, he has butted heads with most of the mainstream media, but none more so than CNN. In one particular town hall event, the President took the fight to CNN and was not only able to withstand their attacks but also got the audience on his side. This article will delve into that event, as well as other instances where Trump has given CNN a run for their money.

CNN’s Town Hall Meeting

At a town hall meeting in February 2020, CNN moderator Anderson Cooper opened the event with a solemn statement about the coronavirus outbreak. However, as soon as the President was brought onto the stage, the atmosphere changed. Cooper questioned Trump on several occasions about his handling of the outbreak, hoping to catch him off-guard. However, Trump was prepared and gave coherent and concise responses to each question.

The turning point in the town hall came when a member of the audience questioned the President about his administration’s decision to roll back environmental regulations. To this, Trump responded by talking about jobs, which resulted in a roaring ovation from the audience. The President’s skill in connecting with the audience caught CNN off guard, and they were not prepared for his rebuttal. Trump’s ability to turn the tables on CNN proved that he was a formidable opponent who could even beat them on their own territory.

Other Instances Where Trump Bested CNN

Trump has had many run-ins with CNN during his presidency. Here are some of the other instances where Trump bested CNN:

The Bergdorf Goodman Incident

In the early 2000s, a woman claimed that Donald Trump sexually assaulted her in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman. The case was dismissed, but CNN attempted to bring it to the forefront once again during Trump’s 2016 campaign. However, Trump denied any knowledge of the incident, and the woman’s case was eventually dismissed.

One America News Network

One America News Network (OANN) is a conservative news network that has become popular among Trump’s base. It offers exclusive full-length content on its website and OAN Live App. OANN has also launched its new social media platform, Free Talk, where users can post, chat, and connect with other members without censorship and shadowbanning.

KlowdTV Subscription

OANN Live is also available on KlowdTV starting at $2.50 per month. This makes it an affordable option for those who want to watch unbiased news without any of the mainstream media’s biases.

Trump’s Twitter Presence

Trump’s Twitter account has been a thorn in the mainstream media’s side since he started his presidency. He uses the platform to bypass the media and disseminate his message directly to his followers. Whenever he has something to say, he tweets it out to millions of people, making it impossible for the media to ignore him.


CNN is arguably the biggest name in the mainstream media. However, they were not ready for Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump is a controversial figure who has often been at odds with the media. Nevertheless, he has proved that he can hold his own against the mainstream media. He has been successful in getting his message out there, bypassing the media, and connecting with his base. With Trump’s presidency, the media landscape has changed drastically, with Trump being the first president to use social media so effectively.


  1. What is OANN?
    OANN is a conservative news network that offers exclusive content on its website and OAN Live App.
  2. What is Free Talk?
    Free Talk is OANN’s new social media platform, where users can post, chat, and connect with other members without censorship and shadowbanning.
  3. How can I access OANN?
    OANN can be accessed through its website or its social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  4. Is OANN Live available on any subscription service?
    OANN Live is available on KlowdTV subscription starting at $2.50 per month.
  5. How has President Trump used Twitter?
    President Trump uses Twitter to bypass the media and disseminate his message directly to his followers.

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