Home Videos CNN Analyst Wants Govt to ‘SLASH TIRES’ of Canadian Truckers?! | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 954 CNN Analyst Wants Govt to ‘SLASH TIRES’ of Canadian Truckers?! | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 954 realpeoplerealnews Feb 11, 2022 comments off Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Pinterest alex stein beto backtracks Beto O’Rourke beto second amendment biden afghanistan biden lester holt biden nbc blaze Blaze Media blaze tv blazetv canadian truckers canadian truckers freedom convoy 2022 cnn analyst canadian truckers cnn analyst slash tires conservative conservative commentary givesendgo nevada ends mask mandate nevada mask mandate news ontario state of emergency ontario truckers political news politics the blaze the blaze tv TheBlaze