Climate Activists Threaten Food Supply by Targeting New Crop

Climate activists threaten food supply By targeting a new crop the climate Activists have gone too far these So-called scientists are targeting rice Farming a dangerous practice that they Claim produces too much methane now Every day we work to write the ship of State with real reporting join us by Tapping subscribe below enable Notifications and let's grow the next News Army my name is Elijah Shafer wow Greta thundberg is back on the map According to AFP news flooded rice Farms That naturally ferment hay and other Plants are being called a massive Environmental threat rice is a food Staple that makes up the millions of People around the world it is an Inexpensive plant-based food full of Calories for energy the food Staples Vary from place to place depending on The food source available however rice Is one of the most popular and commonly Eaten food Staples in several parts of The world particularly in Asia Latin America and large parts of Africa in Fact rice is a major part of the 3.5 Billion people's daily diet despite this Climate change activists led by Questionable scientists are determined To cause food instability by restricting Access to Rice this is just the latest Example of their misguided efforts to Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by

Targeting food sources including beef Calling for people to eat insects and Now rice farming take a look What accounts the 10 of global emissions Of methane It's not belching cows or landfills but Rice Scientists say if the world wants to Reduce greenhouse gas emissions the Staple crop cannot be ignored Farmer dongvan Khan has joined a scheme To recycle Straw from his Fields instead Of burning it [Music] [Music] Methane is generated by bacteria that Grow in flooded rice paddies and Thrive If the leftover straw rots Over time methane traps about 80 times As much heat as carbon dioxide The reference have already caused major Problems in Sri Lanka where the Government implemented a policy to Reduce fertilizers as a part of their Climate change initiatives This proved to be disastrous leading to An abrupt ban on import of chemical Fertilizers causing a significant food Crisis the misguided band left the Agricultural sector hobbled for years And forced the country to rely on International Aid It's no secret that Rice farming Provides Farmers with a livelihood and

Is a source of nutrition for millions of People around the world the Restriction In rice production would have a Catastrophic impact on food security Leading to a greater level of Malnutrition hunger and instability in Countries where the crop is a primary Source of nutrition take a look So rice Um which sets them apart from other Crops has a standing water layer in the Field which means there's no exchange of Air between the soil and the atmosphere So that means you have in the soil Anaerobic conditions and that means There are different bacterias active in The soil than you would find in wheat or Maize as part of an initiative by the International rice Research Institute Khan now removes the straw from his Fields and turns it into other products Earning a small income on the side Foreign Under the global methane pledge Vietnam And several other major rice producers In Asia have vowed to cut emissions by 30 between 2020 and 2030 but the two Largest producers China and India failed To sign And while Mekong Farmers like Khan have Taken a step towards more sustainable Farming for now he is part of a small Minority Oh

It's ridiculous well the origins of rice Farming can be traced to India or Southeast Asia it has now grown in many Parts of the world including Asia Latin America Africa and even South America Where Brazil is the largest producer of This crop the primary reason why rice Farming is so popular is its resilience In harsh climactic conditions it grows Well in waterlogged soils such as in the Flood Plains of an Asian Rivers like the Ganges and Mekong in fact deep water Rice which is adapted to deep flooding Is grown in areas such as Pakistan Bangladesh Vietnam and other neighboring Countries rice is not the only food Staple that plays a vital role in the Diets of millions of people other food Staples include corn wheat sorghum Millet potatoes kosova yams and Taro Restricting access to any of these Staple foods would be catastrophic for Millions of people around the world The activist proposed actions will hurt The people they claim to want to help Their actions will aggravate the issue Of food insecurity in the countries Where rice farming is a primary source Of nutrition and they will also deprive Farmers of their livelihoods and render Large numbers of people jobless this is A classic example of how a good how a Good cause can be diluted by misguided Efforts to address the problem

And it is natural to be concerned about The environment but climate change Activists need to do a better job of Balancing their aspirations with the Needs of people around the world they Need to recognize that nature is fragile And the human beings are part of that Ecology you need to remember that Sustainable development is about Striking a balance between economic Growth social well-being and Environmental Protection their focus Should be on developing intuitive Solutions that promote development and Improve the lives of people around the World while preserving the environment Any attempt to restrict access to food Staples like rice will have negative Consequences for millions of people it Is time for climate change activists to Focus on driving sustainable development Understanding the needs of populations And not making rash proposals that will Cause more harm than good we need to act Now before it's too late to ensure that We have a secure food supply for Generations to come let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer Have a good night Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront

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