Clashing Lawmakers Unite on Child Safety Bill

    Clashing Lawmakers Unite on Child Safety Bill

    Top news right now A Senate bill is Proposing a minimum age for children on Social media in a groundbreaking move Democrat Senator Brian Schatz and Republican senator Tom Cotton are Working on a bill to set a minimum age For children on social media the bill Would not only ban children under 13 From accessing social media but also Require parental consent for teenagers Aged 13 to 17. in recent years lawmakers From both sides of the aisle have pushed Legislation to protect children on Social media and this bill looks set to Make a real difference in this regard The proposed legislation recognizes the Dangers that young people can face on Social media platforms and aims to Create a safer environment for them a Senate aide who wished to remain Anonymous said the bill would also lay Out how social media platforms can use Algorithms to Target minors as the bill Progresses in the Senate various Republican lawmakers have expressed Support for the bill citing the need to Protect younger people from the harmful Impact of social media stay tuned to Next News Network for more breaking news