Let's hear from Joe in Virginia Republican line for Aaron Reed good Morning Good morning I have a couple points First off you have little boys two years Old they think they're little girls Little girls three years old think They're boys and their parents condone And encourage this kind of behavior and It's not right because a child's brain Is not developed once they've reached of Age if they want to destroy their body And their mind then okay but when They're children it should not be Encouraged condoned and pushed on other People and everybody knows a male has a Male's DNA a female has a female's DNA So it is not fair for these males to be Competing with females never has been Never will be and you could call Yourself whatever you want but you're Not fooling anyone I'm an old white guy If I were to say I'm a teenager female Of color I'm not fooling anyone people Are going to look and laugh That's Joe in Virginia thank you very Much Joe for your comments uh so what I Will say about that is that I'll start With the gender affirmative youth Because I think that this is actually Something that we have not been able to Cover and it's important to cover for Transgender youth for people under the Age of 12 years old
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Gender affirming care is literally Nothing but a haircut a change of Clothing and a name Whatever they do get to the age of 12 Years old then they may start puberty Blockers which can delay puberty for a Few years until they are ready to start Transition conversation with Aaron Reed Independent journalist and transgender Advocate uh Joel up next in Spring Texas Democrats line High Pedro uh loyal viewers since 1979. May and this is a serious question for You Pedro how Earthly before I get to Our Guest How did you come up with this guest Today did she contact you or you her or How did this come up we reached out to Her for this conversation That would be interesting to be able to Find her it would be like a Eureka Moment the I found it because you know I'm well read I've never heard of her or This organization at all well Carly have An opportunity to talk to her now so go Ahead with your question or comment Please Yes Promoting or or validating Transgenderism or gender dysphoria It's not done these people any favor We got to just tell them the truth hey Come on that uh if transgendered men and Transgendered women want to compete
Against one another that's great We don't need them the Gods on the on The female swimming team that are failed Male swimmers and we don't need and vice Versa this is crazy this is John John on Our independent line he's in Wisconsin Very eloquently it's a lot of what I Wanted to say but the one thing I wanted To say is uh I consider myself Very open-minded For the different sexual aspects but for Sports I think they ought to do one test They ought to do a blood test for Chromosomes x-axis Should be women and Ex-Wives should be Men uh for the rather I've been in New Orleans I've been all over there's Certain bars where the different I I Can't say you know Lgbtq or whatever they all hang out and I have no nothing against that and I Certainly uh respect their rights but in Sports I think they ought to do the Tests XX or XY my issue is why is it Necessary to force this in the school System is it really necessary to have Drag shows in elementary schools and Push transgender movement in our school System let the kids be kids that's up to The adults the parents who choose how They want to raise their children an Outside influence like this has no place In our school system period you're
Crossing the line when you do that it is Totally often the question is why is it Necessary to be pushing this movement so Intensely to our children