C-SPAN Caller SMEARS Border Patrol Pres. as RACIST, He Responds With the Facts

C-SPAN Caller SMEARS Border Patrol Pres. as RACIST He Responds With the Facts

Introduction ##

Illegal immigration is a contentious issue in the United States and it is easy to understand why. The US economy is a potent magnet for people from around the world and many believe that the countrys tradition as a melting pot of cultures is one of its strengths. But while it is true that migrants contribute significantly to the US illegal immigration is a problem that needs to be solved. The recent call on C-SPAN had smeared Border Patrol Pres. as racist and he responded with facts highlighting some of the issues surrounding illegal immigration.

Solutions to the border crisis exist and have been proven effective before ##

The problem of illegal immigration has been around for years and it is not going away anytime soon. However there are solutions that exist and they have been proven effective in the past. For example the Trump administration lowered illegal immigration to 45-year lows by enforcing the laws on the books. That includes building a border wall and putting more agents on the ground to monitor and secure the borders.

Enforcing laws on the books is the solution to illegal immigration ##

The solution to illegal immigration is not surprisingly enforcing the laws on the books. That does not mean building a wall and closing off the borders entirely. It means prioritizing resources for interior enforcement and asylum processing. It also means increasing the penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers and creating a biometric system to better track entries and exits for temporary visa holders.

The Trump administration lowered illegal immigration to 45-year lows ##

There is no doubt that the Trump administration had an impact on immigration even if some of the measures they took were controversial. By enforcing the laws on the books and securing the borders the number of illegal border crossings fell to a 45-year low. It is crucial to maintain that momentum as illegal border crossings began to surge again under the Biden administration.

The current management of law enforcement staffing resources is unsustainable ##

One of the biggest challenges facing law enforcement worldwide is the proper allocation of resources and it is no exception with Border Patrol. The current system is unsustainable and is frequently disrupted by political pressures. Border Patrol needs to be allocated with resources according to the actual needs of every specific region to ensure it has the resources to maintain law and order properly.

Policy changes dont have to cost the American taxpayer ##

Any major change in policy is bound to have a price tag but that does not mean it is impossible to do so cost-free. The key is to evaluate every program impartially using a cost-benefit analysis. This way policymakers can determine which programs work best at the lowest cost to the taxpayer thus prioritizing the resources in places where they will yield the greatest impact and most efficient solutions with the existing resources.

The border patrol does not engage in politics and aims to protect the American people ##

It is essential to note that Border Patrol does not engage in politics. They aim to do just one thing protect the American people and enforce the rule of law. They are sworn to protect the countrys borders and they take their job seriously. Accusations of racism can be frustrating when discussing factual evidence but Border Patrol will continue to do their duty.

Accusations of racism can be frustrating when discussing factual evidence ##

The Border Patrol has come under fire from many quarters with some accusing their members of racism and bigotry. These accusations can be frustrating especially when backed by real facts. The Border Patrol President tried to explain that Border Patrols’ job is to serve the American people and protect the nation’s border which they are committed to doing as factually possible.

Properly enforcing the rule of law is crucial for the United States to remain the greatest country in the world ##

The current debate surrounding illegal immigration is essential as it goes to the very heart of the United States identity as a country. If the United States takes its responsibility to enforce the law and protect its citizens seriously then the country will have the necessary resources to keep the nation secure and remain the greatest country in the world.

Conclusively safeguarding the country’s borders and enforcing immigration laws remains an essential factor for continued economic growth and security. The Government has a duty to ensure that the law does not become a hindrance to policies that directly or indirectly affect the welfare health and safety of Americans. Hence creating efficient policies and taking measures to make legal immigration relatively comfortable and streamlined should remain our country’s priority.