Bombshell Report: Biden Admin’s Latest Violation of Federal Law

The Biden Administration has been rocked By yet another Scandal as Health and Human Services HHS secretary Xavier Bacara Has been found guilty of violating Federal law by the office of special Counsel osc Keep uh keep watching find out what's Going on you know I'm rich crankshaw Stay on top of the latest news hit Subscribe below then tell your friends You saw it at next news Before I get to that report you know Mike Lindell he's the my pillow Maven Who can't be stopped while keeping Americans comfortable he fights for the Truth now next News network is bringing You the best sleep ever with my pillow You'll fall asleep faster stay asleep Longer and with the Giza dream sheets That I have on mine with the mattress Topper you will be in heaven use promo Code nnn for up to 66 off at by tapping more below This video now back to the news Every day we witness the rule of law Being trampled on by the very officials Who are supposed to uphold it Especially from officials within the Biden Administration now Health and Human Services secretary bakera Has been caught violating federal law by Openly endorsing California Democrat Senator Alex Padilla during his

Re-election campaign leaving many Americans wondering what other laws are Being broken by Biden Administration Officials this revelation of corruption And disregard for the rule of law is Unacceptable And will not go unnoticed The U.S office of special counsel or osc Has found Bacara guilty of violating the Hatch Act which prohibits federal Employees from engaging in political Activities while on duty On the same day that the osc concluded That he violated the Hatch Act the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Which is led by bakara published an Educational video intended for members Of the senior executive service to Discuss Five ethics rules that apply to them Including the Hatch Act watch You may be more limited in your partisan Political activities all career SES are Further restricted under the Hatch Act Some agencies also further restrict the Political activity of non-career SES Further restricted employees may not act In concert with a political party Partisan political group or a candidate For partisan political office even on Personal time after work hours and away From the work site Yeah good luck with that nowadays right I mean we got friggin kindergarteners

Now who are getting involved in politics Perhaps not on their own accord but Anyway that's another story isn't it This unethical ethical this unethical Behavior is a clear example of the bite Administration's failure to deliver on Its promise of transparency and Ethics In Government remember that Bacara has a responded to his violation Calling his words an inadvertent Violation in other words he's like I Didn't mean to say it and saying he Regrets them this Scandal only adds to The growing list of issues That have plagued the Biden Administration since taking office time And time again the Administration has Shown that it is willing to make Questionable decisions at the expense of The American people This latest instance involving Bacara Only leaves us questioning what other Laws the bite Administration officials Are willing to break in order to further Their own political agenda The American people deserve transparency And honesty from their government Particularly from cabinet officials When Government officials flagrantly violate Federal law for their own political gain There must be consequences it is time For the Biden Administration to Prioritize accountability and ethical Decision-making

The osc's finding that Bacara violated Federal law only reinforces the need for Our government officials to be held Accountable for their actions this is Particularly true when these officials Are entrusted with the welfare of the American people the Biden Administration Must take immediate steps to ensure that Its officials are complying with the Laws that govern their behavior in Office The American people deserve government Officials who are committed to Transparency honesty and ethical Behavior We cannot have officials who believe That they are above the law and the Consequences for those who do violate Federal law must be Swift and sure only Then can the American people be Confident that our government is working For us Not against us the Biden Administration Claims to Value transparency and Accountability but their actions speak Louder than their words that's for sure And we cannot allow corrupt officials to Continue to hold positions of power in Our government It's time for us to demand Justice and Hold these officials accountable for Their actions and of course let us know Your thoughts in the comments for the Next News Network I'm rich crankshaw

We'll see you at the next report Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep Quicker and stay asleep longer and Imagine pairing that like I did with the Giza dream sheets and the mattress Topper believe me you'll be in heaven Click on the more button below this Video and visit in Order to learn more if you use the promo Code nnn today you will be able to save Up to 66 off and you'll have a 10-year Warranty included it's That you have been dreaming of about We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi Zest the power to impact the global Narrative please share this report and To get more videos like this become a

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