Black father IMPLODES White Privilege

Black father IMPLODES White Privilege: A Critical Analysis


In the world we live in today systemic racism has been a topic of discussion in many spheres. With the rise of movements such as Black Lives Matter conversations about white privilege have become more commonplace. However in a recent video about white privilege and its impact on black people Brandon Tatum a black father challenged the notion of white privilege and the way it is used to further segregate society. In this article we will delve deeper into Tatums perspective on white privilege and its implications on society.

The Speakers Perspective on White Privilege

Tatum considers white privilege to be a racist concept that further divides society. In his video he mentioned that the concept of white privilege is used as a way to belittle black people and make them feel inferior. According to Tatum this is not only harmful to black people but it is also counterproductive to any real progress.

The Challenge to Identify Benefits of White Privilege

One of the most intriguing points in Tatums video is his challenge for anyone to tell him specifically what benefits they have due to white privilege. This is a challenge that many proponents of white privilege cannot answer. According to Tatum the term is used loosely without identifying any real concrete benefits.

The Racism of Belittling Black Intelligence

Tatum also challenged the assumption that black people are not as smart or qualified as white people; this sentiment is inherently racist and is a major problem in society. Unfortunately this is an assumption that is still held by many people today and is a barrier to true equality.

Struggle for Black People to Obtain Voting IDs

Tatum highlighted the struggle for black people to obtain IDs for voting purposes. This is a real issue that has been subject to much debate in recent years. Tatums assertion is that this is an issue that should be addressed and not in terms of white privilege but as a fundamental right for all citizens.

Brandon Tatum the Man Behind the Video

For those who May not know Brandon Tatum is a former police officer and a conservative commentator. He has been an influential figure in the conservative movement and is known for his outspoken views on social issues. Benny Johnsons channels are where the video was posted.

Newsletter and Podcast Subscription Links

In the videos description there are links to subscribe to Tatums newsletter and podcasts. These offer an insight into his views on various social issues and provide a platform for discussion.


In conclusion Brandon Tatums video about white privilege and its implications on black people is a thought-provoking piece that should be watched by anyone interested in societal issues. His challenge to identify any benefits of white privilege and his perspective on the belittling of black intelligence challenge us to think critically and introspectively. Tatums message of unity and equality is one that is much needed in todays world. We can only hope that those in positions of power can take heed of his message and work to build a better more equitable society for all.

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