
In today’s technology-driven world, the influence of Big Tech companies cannot be underestimated. With their power and reach, they have the ability to shape public discourse and even sway elections. This has raised concerns among many about the potential for bias and censorship. One person who has been vocal about these concerns is former President Donald Trump. And now, a shocking revelation from a Big Tech executive seems to validate his claims.

The Trump administration achieved incredible results with the Abraham Accords and the agreements between Israel and the GCC.

During his time in office, the Trump administration made significant strides towards achieving peace in the Middle East. One of the most notable achievements was the establishment of the Abraham Accords, a series of agreements between Israel and several Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. These historic accords were groundbreaking and opened up possibilities for prosperity and stability in the region.

These achievements demonstrated a potential for long-lasting peace in the world.

The success of the Abraham Accords highlighted the potential for long-lasting peace not only in the Middle East but also in other conflict-ridden parts of the world. The agreements showed that even seemingly intractable disputes could be resolved through diplomacy and negotiation. It was a ray of hope and a testament to the effectiveness of strategic decision-making.

Some may argue that Trump Derangement Syndrome caused more damage than anything Trump himself did.

Of course, no discussion about Trump’s accomplishments would be complete without acknowledging the controversies surrounding his presidency. Critics often argue that his unconventional style of politics and his polarizing rhetoric contributed to a deep divide in the country. This phenomenon, often referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome, caused a significant amount of animosity and dysfunction in the political landscape.

However, many of the actions taken during the Trump administration have been proven to be right and beneficial.

Despite the criticisms, it is important to acknowledge that many of the actions taken during the Trump administration have proven to be right and beneficial. From his approach to foreign policy to his economic initiatives, there were measurable positive outcomes. These achievements cannot be dismissed merely because of personal animosity towards the former president.

The world was peaceful and prosperous under Trump’s leadership.

During the Trump presidency, the world experienced a period of relative peace and prosperity. The stock market soared, unemployment reached record lows, and there was a renewed sense of optimism among many Americans. While not all of these successes can be solely attributed to Trump, his policies and leadership undoubtedly played a role in creating a favorable environment for economic growth and stability.

Therefore, there is a reason to support the return of Donald Trump.

In light of recent events, including a surprising admission from a Big Tech executive, there is reason to support the return of Donald Trump. His concerns about censorship, bias, and the potential for undue influence from Big Tech have now been confirmed by someone from within the industry itself. This revelation raises important questions about the future of free speech and the need for transparency and accountability among these powerful corporations.

In conclusion, the confirmation from a Big Tech executive that Trump was right about the potential for bias and censorship only adds credence to the concerns raised during his presidency. The achievements of the Trump administration, particularly in the realm of foreign policy, demonstrate a potential for long-lasting peace and prosperity. While criticisms should not be ignored, the positive actions taken during Trump’s time in office cannot be dismissed. It is important to have an open and honest discussion about the implications of Big Tech’s influence and to consider whether the support for Donald Trump’s return is warranted in light of these revelations.

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