Biden’s Parole Pipeline Allows a Million Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Shocking statistics reveal how Biden's Parole pipeline has released over a Million migrants into the U.S Potentially changing the country forever Now your freedom is at stake get the News that impacts America by tapping Subscribe to preserve it my name is Elijah Schaefer The United States Southern border is Facing a crisis unlike any other since President Joe Biden took office in 2021 He has failed to secure the Border Allowing illegal immigrants to flood Into the country at unprecedented rates The Department of Homeland Security has Released over a million migrants into The U.S through the parole pipeline this Influx surpasses the population of Six States jeopardizing the security and Identity of the U.S Biden's Catch and Release Network began Taking effect a few months ago after he Took office transforming the border into A european-style checkpoint where border Crossers are barely detained and then Released into the country's interior George Fishman a former DHS official From the Trump Administration analyzed Data on Biden's extensive use of the Parole pipeline revealing that he has Allowed more than 880 000 migrants into An American communities in addition he Has granted parole to over 75 000 Afghans and almost 127 thousand

Ukrainian Nationals take a look Another stunning admission by a Biden Official acting border patrol Chief Troy Miller admitted to Congress this week in Testimony that yes they are doing catch And release of illegal border crossers Without court dates because border Patrol is overwhelmed that's quite an Admission what do you say Well it is quite an admission but let's Face it we we knew just as a matter of Math that they were doing this a while Ago but to have it officially admitted Is an extraordinary thing and just so People know it has been standard Practice certainly in the Trump Administration to issue what's called a Notice to appear this is your court Appearance requirement now a lot of them Don't show up but they're in the system They're in the process of deportation at That point and of course this Administration doesn't want to deport People so it isn't just an admission of Catch and Release it's an admission that They're not even starting deportation Proceedings against people who they pick Up in the desert in between ports of Entry who clearly came across the border Illegally Complete abandonment okay so government The figures indicate that through the Parole pipeline alone the bind Administration has imported a foreign

Population that exceeds the resident Populations of Six States The Surge is a Crisis that the U.S cannot Overlook Biden's DHS has released over 40 000 Migrants into the U.S interior in the First two months of this year alone the Agency released over 230 000 migrants Into the U.S interior in the first two Months of 2022 Now Biden's parole pipeline is the most Effective tool for getting migrants into The country it runs like a full-service Travel agency for Border crossers many Of whom walk up to border patrol agents Asking for parole now recently State Officials in Florida want a lawsuit Against the Biden Administration for Imposing the unprecedented parole Pipeline take a look Florida is suing the Biden Administration over what governor Ron DeSantis calls the federal government's Quote unlawful and destructive Catch and Release policy for people who have Entered the United States illegally at The southern border the governor spoke At the Lee County Sheriff's Office in Fort Myers today he said America is Dealing with a total disaster at the Border created by disastrous policy Choices by President Joe Biden Governor DeSantis says the State of Florida will Not allow illegal immigration into the State

I'm signing an executive order to Prohibit State agencies that report or Excuse me to prohibit state agencies That report to me from aiding or Abetting in any way what the federal Government is doing right now we're not Going to be a party to this lawlessness We haven't to to my knowledge but we're Letting the marker down know that this Is an absolute Red Line Santa said roughly 250 Florida law Enforcement officers were sent to the Southern border earlier this year to Combat smuggling he says releasing Thousands of immigrants will quote Saddle States and local governments with Health financial and Public Safety costs Unquote A similar case brought by state Officials in Texas is currently pending Before The Supreme Court Biden's Decision to allow millions of illegal Immigrants into the country is not only Unconstitutional but also a breach of National Security the waiver granted to These immigrants has put the country in Grave danger potentially risking an Increase in violent crimes terrorism and Other threats to National Security Biden's decision to allow millions of Illegal immigrants into the U.S has had Devastating effects the influx of Foreign-born populations into the Country is a ticking Time Bomb a mass

Assimilation with proportional job and House growth would be impossible relying On the parole pipeline to release Immigrants undermines the US's Immigration policies and endangers its Citizens it is time for the bide Administration to secure the border Control immigration and protect the Lives of U.S residents the parole Pathway must be shut down and the U.S Government must enforce its immigration Laws for the sake of protecting America's future let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer Have a good night Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto

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