Biden’s Dog ATTACKED Secret Service +10 Times! SS: ‘Put Dog Down After Extremely Aggressive Rampage’


In the world of politics, it’s not uncommon to see news stories that veer into the realm of gossip and pet-related scandals. One recent incident that has garnered attention is the aggressive behavior of President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander. This German Shepherd has reportedly bitten more than ten members of the White House staff, including a Secret Service agent who required medical attention. The repeated attacks have raised concerns about the dog’s temperament and the repercussions of its actions. In this article, we will delve into the details of these incidents, explore the potential influences on the dog’s behavior, and discuss the arguments surrounding whether or not the dog should be put down.

Biden’s Dog: A Serial Biter

The History of Aggressive Behavior

Biden’s dog, Commander, is not new to showing signs of aggression. In fact, it has reportedly been involved in multiple attacks since Biden assumed office. The first incident that sparked concern occurred shortly after Biden broke his foot in the shower. However, it is important to note that the dog involved in that incident was a different one, not Commander. Despite this, the aggressive episodes continue to plague Commander’s reputation.

The Secret Service Agent’s Hospitalization

One of the most serious attacks by Commander was directed at a Secret Service agent. The agent, whose identity remains undisclosed, was bitten to the extent that medical attention was necessary. This incident sent shockwaves through the White House, forcing officials to reevaluate the safety of having such a potentially dangerous dog within close proximity to the President and other staff members.

Labels and Calls for Action

Members of the Secret Service have not minced words when it comes to their assessment of Commander’s behavior. The dog has been labeled as “crazy” and there have been discussions about the possibility of putting it down. The repeated attacks have left staff members fearing for their safety and questioning the efficacy of the current measures in place to control Commander’s aggressive tendencies.

Influences on the Dog’s Behavior

The Connection to Biden’s Actions

It is no secret that dogs are often reflective of their owners’ behavior and energy. In the case of Commander, the dog’s aggression may mirror the alleged abuse that President Biden has purportedly exhibited. Critics argue that the President’s inadequacies and abusive tendencies may have found an outlet in the form of the dog’s aggressive behavior.

The Shower Incident and Other Factors

While Commander was not involved in the shower incident that resulted in Biden’s broken foot, it is worth considering whether the dog’s environment plays a role in its behavior. Biden’s habit of showering with his pets has raised questions about proper boundaries and conditioning. Additionally, the dog’s reactions to people wearing masks could suggest the influence of recent events and their impact on the dog’s perceptions.

Major’s Troubling Behavior

Major’s Bite Incidents

Commander is not the only Biden dog with a track record of aggression. Major, a younger German Shepherd belonging to the Biden family, has also been involved in biting incidents. As a result, Major had to be re-homed, further shedding light on the potential issues surrounding the upbringing and training of the Biden canines.

Calls for Drastic Measures

Considering both Commander and Major’s problematic behaviors, some Secret Service agents argue that these dogs should be put down. The recurring aggressive incidents have put the safety of those around them in jeopardy, and there are serious concerns about the expectations placed on the Secret Service to manage and protect against their potentially dangerous actions.


The aggressive behavior exhibited by President Biden’s German Shepherds, Commander and Major, has caused a stir within the White House and drawn attention from the public. With multiple staff members falling victim to their attacks, including a Secret Service agent requiring medical attention, the question of whether these dogs should be put down becomes increasingly important. While there are arguments suggesting that the dogs’ behavior is influenced by the President’s actions and their environment, the safety of those around them remains the primary concern. As the Biden administration navigates this canine conundrum, it is vital that the well-being and security of everyone involved are prioritized.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews