Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Stoves Met with Huge Wave of Backlash – Look How America is Fighting Back

Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Stoves Met with Huge Wave of Backlash - Look How America is Fighting Back

The bite administration's recent Crackdown on gas stoves has sparked a Wave of backlash Across America the new Rule aims to phase out the use of gas Powered appliances in an effort to Reduce carbon emissions and combat Climate change However this move has not gone down well With many Americans who strongly oppose The government's interference in their Daily lives the widespread outcry Against this new rule underscores the Growing tensions between The Binding Administration's environmental policies And the concerns of everyday Americans Don't forget that your freedom is at Stake get the news that impacts America Tap subscribe to preserve it my name is Elijah Shafer Several energy and consumer advocacy Groups filed comments on Monday that the Department of energy opposed the Agency's rules regulating gas stoves Fox news reports in an argument led by Competitive Enterprise Institute 18 Groups argued that does stovetop Regulations compromise consumer choice And are therefore arbitrary and Capricious while having a little impact On climate change the letter emphasized Compliance with the energy policy and Conservation act which requires the Federal government to implement Energy Efficiency measures without limiting

Consumer choice The group's right that epca does not Mandate a new energy conservation Standard for cooking products but Permits only one if it benefits Consumers this is not the case here the Proposed rule would almost certainly Compromise some of the features that gas Stove users want and all for the sake of Saving the insignificant amount of Energy the letter continued saying the Agency exaggerated claims of climate Change benefits that do not alter the Fact that the proposed rule violates the Consumer Protections in the statute for These reasons we believe the proposed Rule should be withdrawn The letter comes after new energy Conservation standard for gas stoves and Electric cooking equipment was proposed By the Biden Administration According to the Doe's proposed rule gas Stoves would be required to meet Energy Efficiency standards but their use by Consumers would not be capped An official at the consumer product Safety commission even told Bloomberg in January the Biden Administration was Considering a nationwide ban on gas Stoves furthermore the doe has Introduced a number of other Energy Efficiency regulations impacting air Conditioners ovens clothes washers and Refrigerators over the past few months

The rules have been criticized as an Overreach of the federal government and As unnecessary since the technology has Improved without government intervention Meanwhile Ben Lieberman a senior fellow Who specializes in environmental policy At the competitive Enterprise Institute Further argues that the Biden Administration's war on natural gas is Quote a war on consumer Choice watch You may have read headlines that the Biden Administration wants to ban gas Stoves it's part of a broader effort to Ban natural gas use in homes and it's a Terrible idea here's why millions of Americans use natural gas for heating Cooking and hot water but Federal Regulators are going after Natural Gas Appliances in our homes by tightening Efficiency rules and offering handouts To switch to Electric but it's all a Solution in search of a problem natural Gas is an abundant and relatively clean Source of energy and is three times Cheaper than electricity to power Appliances so forcing a switch from gas To electric appliances has little of any Environmental upside but it will take Options away from Americans and raise The cost to power their the war on Natural gas is a war on consumer choice Not a policy paper just a thought The American first policy Institute Which signed on to the letter this week

Added on Twitter that these doe Efficiency standards are supposed to Benefit consumers but they're clearly Being done as a part of the climate Agenda the proposed ban on gas stoves is A prime example of the Biden Administration's growing agenda to Increase government control over People's lives and many Americans aren't Happy about it as citizens of a free Country Americans should have the right To choose which appliances they use Without interference from the government Instead of implementing Draconian Restrictions the Biden Administration Should focus on incentivizing the use of Clean energy without infringing upon the American people's personal Liberty let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer have a good night Thank you for watching that report using Ad blockers while browsing the web is Now recommended by the FBI in a new Report it's revealed that an identity Theft occurs every 22 seconds the risks Of identity fraud data breaches account Hacks and more has never been greater Today's sponsored virtual Shield has Been my go-to security program for the Past year and with virtual Shield I can Browse the internet anonymously Protecting myself my data and my Finances from cyber criminals virtual

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