Biden Takes a Page From TRUMP’S Playbook?

The latest move by President Biden has left many wondering if hes taking a page out of Trumps playbook. With his recent actions drawing criticism from across the political spectrum its an interesting question to ask. In this post we will explore the similarities and differences between the two presidents approaches and try to determine whether Bidens actions are truly reminiscent of Trumps. Lets dive in!

Biden Takes a Page From TRUMPS Playbook?


Since the beginning of his presidency Joe Biden has made numerous promises related to the immigration policies and border security of the United States. One of these promises was to end the Trump-era Remain in Mexico policy for asylum-seekers which many criticized for its harshness and lack of compassion. However it appears that Biden has changed his stance on this issue and now intends to continue the controversial policy. This development has caused many to question his intentions and wonder if he is taking a page out of Trumps playbook.

The Remain in Mexico Policy

The Remain in Mexico policy officially known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) was introduced under the Trump administration in 2019. It required asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases were processed in the United States instead of being allowed to enter the country during the application process. The policy was heavily criticized for putting vulnerable migrants at risk and not providing them with adequate resources or protection while they waited in Mexico.

Bidens Promise

During his campaign Biden promised to end the Remain in Mexico policy and instead focus on a more humane and compassionate approach to immigration. He argued that the policy was cruel and put vulnerable people in dangerous situations. However on the same day that Title 4 a public health order used to expel migrants during the pandemic was set to expire Biden announced that he would continue the Remain in Mexico policy. This decision came as a surprise to many of his supporters and caused criticism from immigration advocates.

GOPs Proposed Bill

Following Bidens announcement the GOP proposed a bill to reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy which would require migrants to wait in Mexico while their cases were being reviewed. The bill proposed to implement stricter border security measures and prevent illegal entry into the United States. If passed the bill would have effectively made the Remain in Mexico policy the law of the land. However Biden threatened to veto the bill further igniting controversial debates around immigration policies.

Democrats Claims

Despite the increasing numbers of immigrants crossing into the US Democrat lawmakers have claimed that the border is secure and that the current policies are working as intended. They argue that the Biden administration is doing everything in its power to manage the border crisis and provide adequate resources and assistance to migrants. However the recent surge in illegal immigration suggests that the current policies are inadequate.

Governor Abbotts Response

Governor Abbott of Texas deployed the National Guard to the border arguing that the federal government was not doing enough to protect the border and secure the nation. He claimed that the surge in illegal immigration posed a threat to the safety and security of US citizens and therefore required immediate action. Additionally razor wire fencing has been put up to prevent illegal entry into the US sparking criticism of delayed action from the government regarding border security and enforcement.


The decision to continue the Remain in Mexico policy has sparked controversy and criticism leaving many to question the intentions of the Biden administration regarding immigration policies and border security. While the current policies are inadequate it is important to consider the welfare of migrants and provide them with adequate resources and support. As the discussion around immigration and border security continues it is crucial to find a balance between effective policies and compassion for those seeking refuge.


  1. What is the Remain in Mexico policy?
    The Remain in Mexico policy also known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) requires asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases are processed in the United States.

  2. Why did Biden decide to continue the policy?
    Bidens decision to continue the policy was made on the same day that Title 4 was set to expire. The policy aims to prevent illegal entry into the United States and secure the border.

  3. Why is the Remain in Mexico policy controversial?
    The policy is controversial because it has been criticized for putting vulnerable migrants at risk and not providing them with adequate resources or protection while they waited in Mexico.

  4. What is the GOPs proposed bill?
    The GOPs proposed bill aims to reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy and implement stricter border security measures to prevent illegal entry into the United States.

  5. What is Governor Abbotts response?
    Governor Abbott of Texas has deployed the National Guard to the border and put up razor wire fencing to prevent illegal entry into the US. He claims that the surge in illegal immigration poses a threat to the safety and security of US citizens.