Biden Celebrates George Floyd’s 50th Birthday

Biden Celebrates George Floyd’s 50th Birthday


In a recent video released by One America News Network (OAN), the network delves into the controversy surrounding Joe Biden’s statement honoring George Floyd on his 50th birthday. The video aims to shed light on the manipulation of facts and the promotion of an agenda that seems to overshadow Floyd’s criminal history. Let’s take a closer look at the key points made in the video and explore the implications behind Biden’s statement.

Biden’s Statement and the Myth of George Floyd:

Joe Biden’s statement, released on the occasion of George Floyd’s 50th birthday, plays on emotional keys and portrays Floyd as a victim, despite his criminal past. It is important to note that Floyd, like any other individual, has a complex history. He was a grown man with bad habits, including drug use, theft, and a propensity for violence. Disturbingly, Floyd even put a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach, highlighting the darker side of his character.

The Autopsy Report and the Truth:

Contrary to popular belief, Floyd’s cause of death was not solely due to the actions of the police. His autopsy report mentions a drug overdose, supported by evidence such as foaming at the mouth and swollen lungs. These factors suggest that Floyd’s death was a result of his own choices and habits rather than solely the actions of law enforcement. The video argues that this crucial information is often dismissed to fit a particular narrative, perpetuating the mythologies surrounding individuals like Mike Brown.

Propaganda and the Actions of the Left:

The video raises concerns over Biden’s statement, labeling it as nothing more than propaganda. It suggests that the intention behind glorifying Floyd is to solidify the narratives propagated by the left. By promoting Floyd as a symbol of injustice while downplaying his criminal history, Biden’s statement seems to provide legitimacy to the actions and agendas of the elite.

The Involvement of Leon Panetta:

Former CIA director Leon Panetta’s involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter is also mentioned in the video. Panetta defends his signature on the letter by subtly implying Russia’s involvement. The video argues that these stories are bold-faced lies, strategically crafted to provide legitimacy to the actions of the elite.

The Voice of Dissent:

To offer a balanced perspective, the video includes an interview with former law enforcement officer Mike Pug. Pug agrees that George Floyd had a troubled past and criticizes the dismissive attitude towards his criminal history to fit a particular narrative. His commentary adds depth to the discussion and encourages viewers to question the one-sided portrayal of Floyd in the media.


As the OAN video highlights, Joe Biden’s statement honoring George Floyd on his 50th birthday should be analyzed critically. It is essential not to take things at face value and to question the narratives being perpetuated. By delving into Floyd’s criminal history and the autopsy report, it becomes clear that there is more to the story than what is often presented. The promotion of these narratives by the left and the elite warrants careful examination to ensure a balanced and accurate understanding of the events surrounding Floyd’s life and death.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews