All right well I'll be darned you guys Have any questions for me and you guys Kids don't have a question yes What's it like being president well First of all it's probably the greatest Honor anyone in America can have Bestowed on them number one number two One of the best parts is and I mean this Sincerely you get to meet so many Different people and number three it Also means that you live in this house It's not a bad place to live you know And number four it gets to meet folks Like you and I really mean it thank you Thank you what's your name Angel Um what how many people live in the House how many people live in the house Well right now the only two people live In the house every night and of the Family is Mrs Biden and me but we have We have grandchildren and children so I Have a son who lives in California but Comes once in a while with his family And I have a daughter who lives up in Philadelphia she's a she works to help Women who are victims of violence and She's a social worker and every once in A while she comes down with her husband And then the best part of it all I have Six grandchildren and I'm crazy about Them I speak to them every single day Not a joke matter of fact I just got Finished going through the calls and uh Only one of them answered the phone uh
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But at least I got to leave a message And their my oldest granddaughter is Named after one of my daughters who I Lost in an accident a long time ago and Her name is Naomi and then I have number Two I have a daughter who works in the Environmental movement and her name is Finnegan and named after my mom and Number three my granddaughter I call her My All-American Girl she was a great Little athlete and she's about to Graduate from college in about two weeks And and her name her name is she's where Every the nickname we call her is Macy And then I have two other granddaughter Who I just spoke to did get to speak to And her name is Natalie and she is a a Senior in high school about to graduate And go off to college where her Daddy Went to school and then I have a Grandson who's going to be a senior in High school And then now I have a new a new baby boy He's three and a half years old and his Daddy named him after his brother my Deceased son and he's Beau Biden so and Guess what they're crazy about me Because I pay so much attention to them Anybody else have any questions yes baby What do you have oh My name's Amelia and Um where are you where are your um Grandsons or granddaughters we're okay Her name is Amelia she wants to know
Where my granddaughters are One granddaughter lives in in Pennsylvania In Philadelphia One granddaughter lives in New York One granddaughter lives in Washington One granddaughter lives in Wilmington Delaware And the other grandsons my grandson Lives in California that I left somebody Out didn't I anyway Philadelphia Wilmington and I did say five you're right so let me See I got one in New York Two in Philadelphia There's a three no three because I got One granddaughter who is I don't know You're confusing me but they're all Around Wilmington California New York and Philadelphia the cities They live in Yes honey Why did you become the president why'd I Want to become the president well you Know when I was younger 120 years ago When I was younger I was in uh I lived In a state that it was very hard for African-Americans to have a fair chance It was segregated by law and so as a High school student I got involved with Called the civil rights movement and so One of the things was happening in my
State was we were trying to get people To run to fight for civil rights and We're having trouble getting that many People to run when I started off and They asked me to run and I said I didn't Want to and then my sister who's my best Friend my sister used to be three years Younger than me now she's 20 years Younger than me We went to the same University she Graduated with honors I graduated but She managed my campaign and so we ran in A district with my team the team I Belonged to hadn't won and uh so I said Okay it runs being a good sport But guess what we won because of my Sister And next thing I know they one thing had One thing came after another and then it Turned out that I ended up being a Senator for a long time and then Barack Obama President Obama asked me to be his Vice president and then I ran for President four years later Yes honey Now she's talking my language what's my Favorite ice cream flavor I may be among the dullest presidents of The world because I'm known for two Things my Ray-Ban sunglasses and Chocolate chip ice cream That's my favorite down here yes what's Your what's your question honey A generation of America you
He said what makes me hopeful for the Next generation of Americans The generation Americans from you guys To people all the way to the late 20s Is the most open The least prejudiced the best educated And the most giving generation in American history for real Not a joke and that's why I'm so hopeful Because an Amer in America we can do Anything anything at all if we do it Together for real there's not a single Thing we can't do and what gives me the Most hope is all of you guys for real And that's the God's truth anyway yes What's your favorite color my favorite Color is blue All right not because when I started off It wasn't red and blue States it was Everything was anyway but that's my Favorite color How did you become a president I became A president by going asking people like Your mommy and daddy and I don't know Your mom and daddy but asking them to Look me over I'd say look me over if you Like what you see help out if not vote For the other guy but give me a look and But I ran because I think America is not Only the greatest nation in the world But we have we can do more than any Other Nation to keep peace and help People going I'm going to take two I'm Getting myself in trouble here because
Your parents are saying when's he going To stop And My Secret Service agents they're Packing so I got to be careful what they Tell What do you do on a daily basis what do I do on a daily basis well without Getting into the home every morning I have a meeting with what they call my The National Security account the people Who are the people collect all the Information overnight the secrets around The world and fill me in and what they Know is happening and not happening and So I sit with the hell the CIA the head Of the military and I do that every Morning I meet with my chief of staff to Find out what the most important things Are going on that day and then it Depends for example today I'm going to Be anyway it's this the schedule varies But and then I meet with my press team And I talk to the press as well yes What's your favorite movie Favorite movie was the new movie that Was about that guy who flies jet planes You know who I'm talking about Top Gun Did you see did you see top one Maverick That's been my favorite movie I've seen This year [Music] Mr President I heard you have to get Back to the Oval Office
What was that Oh Hi how are you hi what'd you say to you I said you have to get back to the I Heard you had to get back to the Oval Office And by the way the one thing I thought When I got to be president I get to give orders But I take more orders than I ever did And you're right babe what's your name Kathleen Kathleen what a beautiful name Kathleen's reminded me I've got to get Back to the office if I don't go they're Gonna get the Secret Service working on Me so I'm going to be in trouble