BASED Tucker Carlson leaks make him cooler

Introduction: Who is Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson is a conservative political commentator journalist and television host. He has been a prominent figure in the media since the early 2000s and is best known for his shows Tucker Carlson Tonight and Crossfire. Carlson has recently made headlines for his controversial opinions on individuals with pronouns in their Twitter bios.

Tucker Carlsons Views on Individuals with Pronouns in Their Twitter Bios

A video from BlazeTV went viral recently as it discussed Tucker Carlsons views on individuals with pronouns in their Twitter bios. Carlson expressed his belief that people with pronouns in their bios should not be hired. According to him they are untrustworthy and are on the other side. Carlson feels that people who make their pronouns public are trying to make an ideological statement and to force others to accept their worldview.

The Video Suggests That People with Pronouns in Their Bios Are Mainly Liberals

The video suggests that people with pronouns in their bios are mainly liberals who see their work as a force on the opposite side. It implies that those who publicize their pronouns use them as a political statement and that they try to push their political agenda onto others. The video further insinuates that people who use pronouns in their bios cannot be trusted and are likely to be dishonest.

Tucker Carlsons Views Have Caused Controversy

Tucker Carlsons views on individuals with pronouns in their Twitter bios have caused controversy. Many people have criticized him for being intolerant and discriminatory towards the LGBTQ+ community. They argue that using pronouns has become a basic way for people to identify themselves and it is not a political statement. The backlash from the LGBTQ+ community is justified because people like Carlson should be more inclusive rather than hurtful.

The Video Suggests That This Is Not a Gotcha Moment

The video suggests that this is not a gotcha moment as many others share Tucker Carlsons views. It claims that Carlson is merely expressing what a lot of conservatives believe- that peoples backgrounds matter and it is an indicator of their trustworthiness. However many would argue that this is not a sound judgment criteria and its impossible to judge someones competency based on their pronouns.

The Video Encourages Viewers to Subscribe to BlazeTVs YouTube Channel

The video that went viral concludes by promoting BlazeTVs YouTube channel and asking viewers to subscribe to their social media accounts.


In conclusion Tucker Carlsons recent comments on individuals with pronouns in their Twitter bios have sparked widespread debate. Whether or not this opinion is shared by a majority of people is up for debate what cannot be disregarded is that it has been viewed as discriminatory towards the LGBTQ+ community. In the 21st century inclusion and diversity is vital and we should strive to make our environment welcoming for everyone and we should only judge people on their content of character rather than any other details.