Based Canadian Calls Trudeau ‘Piece Of Sh*t’ to his FACE | ‘You F**ked Up This Entire Country!’


In this article, we will discuss a captivating video that has been making waves on social media. The video features a Canadian citizen, Benny Johnson, who fearlessly expresses his disdain for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a public event. Johnson’s passionate outburst has garnered attention from both supporters and critics, shedding light on the deep-seated frustrations felt by a significant portion of the population. This article will analyze the key points raised in the video, emphasizing the impact it has had on political discourse in Canada.

Heading: The Benny Newsletter Podcast and Benny Johnson’s Social Channels

Sub-heading: A Rising Voice of Dissent

  • Benny Johnson has established himself as a vocal critic of Canadian politics through his popular podcast, The Benny Newsletter.
  • Johnson’s social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, have become an outlet for his unfiltered opinions on various political matters.
  • The rising popularity of his podcast and social channels has allowed Johnson to reach a wide audience and engage in thought-provoking discussions.

Heading: Concerns Among Elites and Oligarchs

Sub-heading: Losing Control

  • The video featuring Benny Johnson’s confrontation with Justin Trudeau has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power.
  • Elites and oligarchs are deeply concerned about losing control over public opinion, exemplified by Johnson’s ability to criticize Trudeau’s policies without reservation.
  • The incident serves as a reminder that public figures are no longer shielded from public scrutiny and dissent.

Heading: Highlighting Disagreements with Trudeau’s Policies

Sub-heading: Carbon Taxes and Support for Foreign Leaders

  • The video highlights Benny Johnson’s vehement disagreement with Justin Trudeau’s policies, particularly his stance on carbon taxes.
  • Johnson accuses Trudeau of implementing policies that are detrimental to the well-being of the Canadian people.
  • He also expresses frustration with Trudeau’s support for certain foreign leaders, asserting that it compromises Canada’s sovereignty.

Heading: Elites Disliking Mockery and Insults

Sub-heading: A Blow to Their Egos

  • One prominent aspect of the video is the discomfort displayed by elites when faced with direct criticism.
  • Benny Johnson’s unfiltered remarks appear to strike a nerve among those in positions of power.
  • The incident emphasizes the elites’ aversion to being openly mocked and insulted, particularly in public forums.

Heading: Deprogramming Political Opponents?

Sub-heading: Hillary Clinton’s Suggestion

  • In the aftermath of the video, prominent figures like Hillary Clinton have suggested the need for “deprogramming” those who oppose their political beliefs.
  • The statement by Clinton sparks a debate about the limits of free speech and the efforts to stifle dissenting voices.
  • Such suggestions raise concerns about the erosion of democratic values and the potential consequences of suppressing differing opinions.

Heading: Critiques of Neoliberalism and Identity Politics

Sub-heading: Dividing and Destroying Society

  • The video harnesses the growing sentiment regarding the shortcomings of neoliberalism and identity-based politics.
  • Critics argue that these ideologies have further divided society, focusing on individual identities rather than fostering unity.
  • Benny Johnson’s confrontation serves as a reminder that a significant portion of the population rejects these divisive politics.

Heading: Defeating Trump and His Supporters

Sub-heading: Hillary Clinton’s Call to Action

  • Hillary Clinton’s call to defeat Donald Trump and his followers resonates in the current political landscape.
  • The video’s portrayal of passionate political expression highlights the need for robust democratic processes and the importance of elections.
  • Engaging with differing viewpoints and respectful dialogue become critical components of moving society forward.

Heading: Contrasting Leadership Abilities

Sub-heading: Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy

  • The video indirectly highlights the contrasting leadership abilities of Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy.
  • Benny Johnson’s passionate outburst underscores the challenges faced by a leader like McCarthy in keeping his caucus united.
  • The incident prompts reflection on the significance of strong leadership in navigating the complexities of modern-day politics.

Heading: The Resonance of Trump’s Popularity

Sub-heading: Emotional and Psychological Appeal

  • Benny Johnson’s confrontation and the subsequent reactions shed light on the factors contributing to Donald Trump’s popularity.
  • Trump’s ability to resonate with certain populations is attributed to his understanding of their emotional and psychological needs.
  • It raises questions about the effectiveness of empathy-based political strategies and their ability to garner support.

Heading: Motivations and Controversies

Sub-heading: Dislikes Towards Migrants or LGBTQ+ Individuals

  • The video’s content prompts analysis of the motivations and controversies surrounding Trump’s supporters.
  • Some supporters may be motivated by their dislike for migrants or LGBTQ+ individuals, highlighting deep-rooted divisions within society.
  • The incident raises important questions about the bridge-building necessary to heal societal divides and foster greater empathy.


In conclusion, the video of Benny Johnson confronting Justin Trudeau has sparked intense discussions and highlighted the frustrations felt by a significant portion of the Canadian population. This passionate outburst serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, open dialogue, and robust democratic processes in shaping the future of a nation. The incident also sheds light on the impact that public figures, such as Benny Johnson, can have in influencing political discourse and holding leaders accountable. As society moves forward, it becomes imperative to find common ground and strive toward a more inclusive and united future.

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