Ayn Rand’s Distinctive View of Romantic Art

I am delighted to share my thoughts on Ayn Rand’s distinctive view of romantic art. Throughout my exploration of her works and philosophy, I have come to appreciate Rand’s unique perspective on the power and purpose of art in human life. In this blog post, I will delve into her ideas, examining how she champions the value of romantic art and its role in shaping our perception of the world. Join me as we unravel the essence of Rand’s captivating philosophy, delving into the world of art through her passionate lens.


In this article, I will delve into Ayn Rand’s distinctive view of Romantic art, exploring how she praised the Romantic school of art and considered her own novels as works of Romantic literature. I will touch upon a new account of Romanticism articulated by Ayn Rand, defining it as a category of art based on the recognition of man’s faculty of volition. Additionally, I will highlight a thought-provoking video where philosopher Harry Binswanger and English professor Shoshana Milgram discuss the Romantic movement in art and Ayn Rand’s relationship to it.

Ayn Rand’s Perspective on Romantic Art

Ayn Rand was not only a renowned novelist but also a philosopher with a keen understanding of the arts. She highly regarded the Romantic school of art, emphasizing its significance and the value it holds for the human experience. Rand believed that Romantic art captured the essence of human volition, making it a compelling and inspiring form of artistic expression.

Ayn Rand’s Novels as Works of Romantic Literature

Rand considered her own novels, such as “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged,” to be works of Romantic literature. She crafted compelling narratives that celebrated the individual’s pursuit of their own values and the triumph of individualism over collectivism. Her characters were driven by their own volition, making choices that were often at odds with societal expectations.

A New Account of Romanticism by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand provided a fresh perspective on Romanticism, defining it as a category of art that recognizes and celebrates man’s capacity for free will. According to Rand, Romantic art is a powerful testament to the human spirit and the ability to shape one’s destiny. It portrays heroes who are driven by their own desires and virtues, defying conventional norms and societal pressures.

Video Discussion: Ayn Rand, Romanticism, and Art

In a captivating video, philosopher Harry Binswanger and English professor Shoshana Milgram engage in an insightful discussion about the Romantic movement in art and Ayn Rand’s relationship to it. They analyze the core tenets of Romanticism and emphasize Rand’s unique contribution to the understanding of Romantic art.

Supporting ARI’s Mission

The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) is dedicated to promoting Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and furthering the understanding and appreciation of art, literature, and culture. To stay updated with their thought-provoking content, you can subscribe to ARI’s YouTube channel, where they share informative videos on various topics, including Romanticism and Ayn Rand’s works.

You can also enhance your understanding of Ayn Rand’s ideas by downloading or streaming free courses through the Ayn Rand University app. These courses provide in-depth insights into Rand’s philosophy and her unique perspective on Romantic art.

As a non-profit organization, ARI relies on donor contributions to fund their crucial work. You can support their mission by becoming a member or making a one-time contribution, ensuring the continued exploration of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and its impact on art.

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For more frequent updates, you can also follow ARI on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These channels provide a wealth of information and insights into Ayn Rand’s philosophy, her influence on art and culture, and upcoming events.

Further Content and Exploration

If you seek further content and exploration of pressing cultural issues through the lens of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, I recommend visiting ARI’s online publication, New Ideal. This platform offers a diverse range of articles and essays that analyze current cultural trends and events, providing fresh insights from an Objectivist perspective.

Additionally, ARI hosts virtual and in-person events that foster intellectual engagement and discussion surrounding Ayn Rand’s philosophy. By joining these events, you can actively participate in the exploration of ideas and connect with like-minded individuals.


Ayn Rand’s distinctive view of Romantic art sheds light on the profound impact it can have on the human experience. With her novels serving as prime examples of Romantic literature, Rand emphasized the vital role of volition in artistic expression.

The video discussion featuring Harry Binswanger and Shoshana Milgram provides valuable insights into the Romantic movement and its connection to Ayn Rand’s philosophy. By supporting the Ayn Rand Institute and exploring their content, you can deepen your understanding of Rand’s views, engage in intellectual discussions, and stay informed about upcoming events and publications. Embracing Ayn Rand’s distinctive view of Romantic art allows us to uncover new dimensions of human creativity and individualism in the realm of artistic expression.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews