Australian girl TRIGGERED by American flags 🤣️️️️

As an Australian girl, I couldn’t help but laugh when I encountered American flags unexpectedly. A mix of bewilderment and curiosity filled my mind as I tried to comprehend the significance these flags hold for our American friends. Join me as I delve into this light-hearted encounter and explore the interesting cultural differences that make our world so wonderfully diverse!


I have recently come across a video that has sparked a discussion about national pride and the prominence of American flags in the country. This video caught my attention as it featured an Australian girl who humorously criticized the abundance of American flags, contrasting it with the scarcity of Australian flags in her own country. The video, shared on Benny Johnson’s channels, brought up some interesting points that I would like to delve into further.

The Abundance of American Flags

In the video, the Australian girl amusingly pointed out that American flags seem to be everywhere in the United States. She mentioned seeing American flags on houses, cars, and even couch cushions. It was an observation that struck her as odd, considering how rarely she came across Australian flags in her own country. This stark contrast fascinates me and begs the question of why American flags are so ubiquitous while flags from other countries, like Australia, may not be as prevalent.

Drawing the American Flag from Memory

One intriguing aspect that the Australian girl mentioned in the video was her ability to easily draw the American flag from memory. She humorously attributed this skill to the sheer frequency with which she had seen the flag. This raises the interesting point that the prominence of the American flag may have inadvertently ingrained it in the minds of those who see it on a daily basis. It becomes a part of the national identity and is instantly recognizable.

Modesty and Pride in Other Aspects

The Australian girl in the video suggested that perhaps the United States should consider showing more modesty and pride in other aspects besides patriotism. While the display of patriotism through the American flag is undoubtedly important, it is worth exploring other avenues to celebrate the nation’s achievements and diverse culture. This raises an interesting discussion about how a country can exhibit pride without solely relying on patriotic symbols.

Benny Johnson’s Channels

The video that sparked this discussion was shared on Benny Johnson’s channels. Benny Johnson is a well-known personality who provides insightful and often humorous commentary on a variety of topics. If you enjoyed the video or are interested in staying up to date on Benny’s latest content, you can subscribe to his podcast through the provided link. Additionally, you have the option to sign up for The Benny Newsletter, which delivers a curated selection of content right to your inbox. Benny can also be followed on his various social media platforms, as listed on his website, ensuring you never miss out on his latest updates.


The Australian girl’s lighthearted criticism of the abundance of American flags in contrast to the scarcity of Australian flags has sparked an interesting discussion about national pride. While the American flag has undeniably become an integral part of the nation’s identity, it is important to explore other avenues to showcase pride and celebrate achievements. Benny Johnson’s channels provide a great platform to engage with such thought-provoking content, and you can easily join the conversation by subscribing to his podcast or signing up for The Benny Newsletter. Let’s continue the discussion and explore new ways to embrace and display national pride.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews