This Brave victim of a subway attack in New York City refuses to stay silent Calling out her representative for her Anti-police rhetoric amid extreme crime And her continued support for defunding The NYPD how much crankshaw news breaks Every day here be the first to know when Tap subscribe below to stay informed Before I get to that keeping up with Financial news is essential save time by Following the tips and sources on the Noble Gold YouTube channel more than 13 000 subscribers trusts noble goals Presenters to keep them informed Noblegold's YouTube channel connects the Dots for you subscribe right now now Back to the news When New York city mayor Eric Adams Approved the first pay raise for the NYPD in over six years representative Alexandria ocasio-cortez Republic Democrat from New York God I should be shot for accusing her of Being a republican Jesus Well she spoke out against the decision Criticizing the allocation of resources Towards law enforcement this did not sit Well with Elizabeth Gomes who was Brutally assaulted in a subway station In September of 2022 leaving her blind In one eye Gomes's experience firsthand with a Violent crime has led her to believe That the police
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Play an essential role in keeping New Yorkers safe well let's see what AOC Says about that AOC ripping into New York City's mayor Mayor Adams for approving raises for the NYPD after they went seven years without A raise We are now at a point where officially Most officers are paid more than a Teacher with a master's degree when we Are taking all of those resources and Demanding that every single Department Except the militarized one because we Are sending a message about who and what We care about You know I've always said that the Qualified police and teachers qualified Teachers You know not the ones teaching our our Children that they can change well Anyway they should be paid well they got Important jobs some of the most Important jobs in this country There are infamously some of the most Underpaid In an interview with Fox and Friends Gomes expressed her frustration with Aoc's comments take a look Elizabeth Um first off so sorry you had to go Through that can you if it's okay bring Us back to the incident as it happened Then we'll bring you to what uh AOC Thinks it's the problem in this city Sure well I was on my way to work
September 20th About 5 20 in the morning when I got Attacked by White Foster who was Released from the From jail and I got attacked and from the attack I Lost Vision in my right eye And some lack of police officers being In the subway station at the time of Them being defunded at that time there Was no one there to help yeah oh my gosh Elizabeth when you watched that video I Don't know if you've even been able to Watch it but you stand back up it looks Like you're trying to get back up kind Of on your knees and then he comes back For more you lost your eye as a result I Mean we've been playing this video for a Long time it's really hard to watch and We've had to warn our viewers what was Going through your mind I mean stomping On your head What did he say what did you find out About him was he on drugs Actually he was a convicted felon Uh he was in jail multiple times you Know he uh he killed his foster Grandmother at 14. so I mean this guy Was supposed to be locked up a long time He shouldn't even have been walking the Street at all but all the he fellas and Cases he had behind him so I mean the Only thing I was really thinking about Honestly was just somebody helping me
Look some people can't be rehabilitated Which is why it's so important to get This right and we're not we're letting These people out They're only hurting themselves Okay not to mention you know instilling Fear into communities And it's it's this we're only seeing the Beginning of this if they continue this It's going to get worse it's going to Get much worse And these people are going to feel brave Enough to come into rural areas where This stuff usually doesn't happen and They're going to justify it by saying Well now your neighborhoods aren't safe Anymore That's going to happen man Gomes does not discount the importance Of supporting teachers in education but Argues that Public Safety should be a Top priority in all aspects of society Watch I mean you see yes we need both but Safety do come first if you don't make These children safe in school how would You make them want to go to school you Know once anybody feel in danger any Kind of way they wouldn't want to go you Want to fix all these Community places Like pools and Parks but how other People want to go if there's no safety Absolutely I believe safety come with Police officers and once there's police
Officers then people will feel more Realistic to go places they wouldn't Feel scared to go to school they Wouldn't be scared to go to a public Pool we wouldn't be scared to be on the Train station just going to work you Know there's times and place for Everything and once you put Safety First Everything else will go right after it I Cannot call a teacher if I need help if A man is running me down I cannot call a Teacher I'm gonna have to call the Police I'm going to be praying for Police not a teacher you know You know a lot needs to be done in this Country to lift people up and politics Only tends to achieve very very minimal In that And it's the it's the free market Economy that's going to do it not Politics Uh gomes's chilling story serves as a Stark reminder of the need for strong Law enforcement and the Folly of Defunding the police without uh police Officers to keep the public safe Criminals run rampant and law abiding Citizens are left vulnerable to violence And crime Elizabeth Gomes Is one of countless victims in New York City who have suffered due to the lack Of police presence on the streets her Story should serve as a wake-up call to
New York residents who believe that Defunding the police is a viable option While resources should be allocated to Educate and the and Community Resources Public Safety must always Come first law enforcement officers are Heroes who put their lives on the line To protect us all and we must give them The support and resources they deserve And weed out the bad ones if our law Enforcement aren't taken care of people Will cease To be encouraged to put on that uniform To Serve and Protect Let us know what you think for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll See you at the next report Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable Presenters keep you up to date on all The latest Financial developments and Explain what they mean behind the screen How they impact your savings with over Thirteen thousand subscribers Noble gold Can help you see the forests for the
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