It's about that time of year again It's time for house Democrat AOC to dust Off the worst Bills ever introduced in Congress because of just how socialist They are Yet that won't stop the incompetent Lawmaker and her gang of clowns to try To shove her pathetic Green New Deal Down our throats once more let's check It out I'm rich crankshaw keep up with The latest news tap subscribe below and Enable your notifications Before I get to that report there are 164 million Americans who report getting Poor sleep every night that's why I've Been using this amazing sleeping pill For a few months and I absolutely love It seven essential vitamins and minerals Make it a great alternative to Pills and Supplements reclaim your good night's Sleep with 51 off go to or click more Below the video in the description box And click the link there to get several Free bonuses before their half off sale Ends go to now back to the News yeah AOC New York Democrat and Senator Ed Markey Democrat from Massachusetts are Add it like clockwork I suppose Introducing their Infamous failed Green New Deal The resolution claims to solve climates
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Change within the next decade through a Radical reshaping of the American Economy however the true cost of this Proposal is immense and the potential Destruction to our country Is overwhelming the green New Deal Demands that we meet all power demand Through renewable and zero emission Sources upgrade all existing buildings In the nation to achieve maximum Energy Efficiency and overhaul the Transportation system to remove carbon Emissions to the greatest extent Possible the legislation has a number of Shortcomings and there is no clear price Tag however an earlier analysis Suggested a cost between 53 trillion and 94 trillion See what AOC has to say about it Just a few years ago when we introduced The green new deal we were told again And again this is not realistic this is This is unreasonable that this is just a Pie in the sky notion right But we said Watch us work That's okay watch us work and as they Say As the adage goes First they laugh at you Then they fight you And then we win And that in a nutshell is a big part of What we've experienced over the last Couple of years first we were called
Unrealistic then when it was when it Came time to the bipartisan Infrastructure law and the inflation Reduction act we started to fight we Said we are not going to take crumbs and We're not going to settle for that that We need bold big climate action and we Need it now and that fight resulted in The largest climb piece of climate Legislation in American history in American history That is The only thing I understood was when she Referenced adage but I didn't understand The adage I never heard it I mean They're just inventing their own adages That's not right man The congresswoman claims the inflation Reduction act which allocates 369 Billion to climate and green energy Initiatives Has failed to address critical issues Such as health and racial Justice Affordable housing care economy public Transit and education and schools Biden's endorsement of the green New Deal Has contributed to discouraging fossil Fuel production reducing the supply of Affordable energy and stifling the Economy Regulators have introduced new Emission rules for household appliances And proposed new vehicle emission Standards to incentivize electric cars
But critics argue that these measures Fall short the green New Deal is nothing But a socialist takeover of America Disguised as a solution to climate Change Window dressing they call it See what else she's promising Together we've introduced the green New Deal for cities the green New Deal for Public schools and the green New Deal For public housing just to name a few We have highlighted We have highlighted important issues Ranging from education to renewable Agriculture to show that a better way is Possible together these bills not only Stop climate change they tackle the Intersecting crises of climate economic Inequality and racial Justice these Bills ensure that everyone has the Opportunity to work a job where they Earn enough to Live While reducing our Weight and and tax on this planet And she's serious and the 12 people that Are there at that that briefing they Know she's serious Some of the other lawmakers who are Supporting the green New Deal include Elizabeth Warren Cory Booker Barry Sanders I mean Bernie Sanders I just picture Bernie Jukin It is campaign for the White House three Years ago President Biden endorsed the Green New Deal he he actually could
Pronounce that also saying it's a Crucial framework for combating climate Change the past few years the Administration has discouraged fossil Fuel production reducing energy supplies And stifling economic growth The green New Deal is a serious threat To our way of life There I said it It's socialist agenda would bankrupt our Nation and destroy the American dream it Is essential that we reject this Dangerous proposal and work toward a Realistic and balanced approach to Environmental responsibility we should Be able to address Common Sense changes To our planet without constantly being Harassed by progressives every few years When they need money Let us know what you think About all this For the next News Network I'm rich Crankshaw see you next time Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble following or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a
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