AOC Caught in Major Border Crisis Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of the left is on Full Display as they turn a blind eye to a Similar border policy they once used to Attack Trump when the policy was Actually enacted by their beloved Barack Obama here we are 10 years later it's a Democratic Administration and crickets Thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker keep up With the latest news and tap subscribe Below and enable your notifications Before I get to that report jump start Your New Year resolution with this Amazing keto powder you can benefit from Many of the weight management benefits Of ketosis without having to restrict Carbs or experience the infamous keto Flu if you want to experience the same Amazing effects that I did I use it Every day in my protein shakes I want You to try it too go to keto with to get your bag for 51 off plus Receive several free bonuses before the Sale ends and look your best this year By clicking on more below the video now Back to the news well as the debate over Family detention at the border heats up Again it's important to understand the Facts surrounding the issue here's one One of the members of the squad Complaining about the same issue then Watch Yourself and a few of your freshman

Colleagues have come out and you wrote a Letter saying no we should cut funding To these programs that's a really Controversial stance to take why I mean because what we have been doing Is that we've we've just had a slush Funds to to fund private detention Centers for young kids who are being put In cages that is that is not in line With our values right we want to make Sure that every single dollar that we Have Um is used to actually care and and and Provide something that is in line with Our values we have you know Minnesota That's where I come from it's negative 60 degrees yesterday we have a homeless Crisis We have people who are freezing And what we can do with the money that We have is make sure that we're Investing 20 billion dollars in Providing homes to our homeless folks Right that would get rid of homelessness In this country Well Senator Ron Johnson recently took To Twitter to express his dismay at the Situation at the Border in a tweet Johnson thanked Mark Morgan Jason Jones And Newsmax for exposing the truth about The situation the senator also Questioned the mainstream media silence And asked where the outrage was under The Trump Administration the policy of

Family detention was heavily criticized And dubbed kids in cages by opponents The Biden Administration initially Promised to end the practice and focus On Alternative forms of detention However with title 4 expiring in May The administration reportedly can is Considering reinstating family detention As a possible solution to the influx of Migrants at the border Democrats who Were vocal opponents of family detention Under Trump are now notably silent on The issue congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-cortez who previously staged a Photo op at a border Detention Center During the Trump Administration has Remained silent on the issue under the Biden Administration meanwhile the Bible Administration is struggling to come up With a solution to the surge of migrants At the border the situation has been Called a humanitarian crisis by some With overcrowded facilities and a Backlog of Asylum cases the issue of Family detention at the border has Remained a controversial and divisive Topic the Biden administration's Potential reinstatement of the policy Has raised concerns among among Americans tired of political theater the Democrats and mainstream media silence On the issue is hypocritical Only proving they could care less about What happens to illegal immigrants who

Smuggle into our country so long as they Stay in power however come the next Republican Administration the outrage Will somehow be revived just watch let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below let me know your thoughts For Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto With to get your bag that's Keto with simply click more to Find the link below to get yours in Addition to saving 51 percent you'll Also receive several bonuses to help you Take control of your health in the new Year so make sure you take advantage of Them if you don't like it you can get Your money back within 60 days of trying

It it'll be worth your time to click the Link and and you will thank me later for It we'll see you at the next report for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign