America Speaks: Shocking Poll Results Show Biden May Not Survive 2024

Is Joe Biden's political career in Jeopardy shocking new polls reveal that The president may not make it past 2024. I'm Gary franchi I want you to stay on Top of the latest news hit subscribe and Tell your friends you saw it at the next News Network Before I get to that a recession and a War are underway do you know who will be Hit hardest when cracks start to show You you need to protect yourself and Your family because things will get Worse Noble gold Investments is here to Help savings and Investments that you've Built are too important to lose a Precious metals Ira from Noble gold Investment protects your wealth and with Every fifty thousand dollar or more Qualifying Ira they're giving away a Beautiful one-quarter ounce gold Eagle Bullion coin stop worrying and visit that's Noble gold Investments can't be beat get Their investment guide if you're not Ready to invest in the description box Below you'll find the link click more For mobile users now back to the news The Biden presidency is in trouble in a Shocking turn of events recent poll Numbers have revealed that more than Half of the voters who supported Joe Biden in 2020 don't think he should run Again in 2024. watch 53 percent of 2020 Biden voters say he

Shouldn't run 64 percent of Democrats Who voted for Sanders are worn in the 2020 primaries think he shouldn't run And 76 percent of Voters under 35 think He shouldn't run and what's the top Concern for that we asked voters we Didn't prompt them we said why don't you Think he should run well these were the Responses it almost is all about his age And his ability to do the job again These are among Democratic primary Voters This news comes as a huge blow to the President's hopes of securing a second Term and highlights major concerns about His leadership and ability to govern the United States So what's driving these low poll numbers Well according to pollsters Biden's age And ability to do the job are major Factors along with is handling the Economy with the economy being a key Factor in any presidential election it's Not surprising that Americans are Concerned about the direction of the Country is headed under Biden's Leadership But it's not just his ability to govern This being scrutinized recent Revelations about the Biden family's Involvement in money schemes have also Shed light on the president's Credibility and trustworthiness and with The ongoing controversy surrounding

Hunter Biden's Financial crimes it's not Hard to see why the president's approval Ratings are plummeting And this report will delve deeper into The reasons behind Biden's struggles and More importantly what this means for the Future of America When Joe Biden took office as the 46th President of the United States he Promised to bring leadership compassion And unity to a divided America but as we Got deeper into his presidency it seems That America is still as divided as ever And Biden's leadership is facing intense Scrutiny from both Republicans and Democrats One of the major factors driving Biden's Low poll numbers are his age as the Oldest president in U.S history there Are major concerns about his physical And mental health while the White House Has repeatedly denied any health Concerns including rumors of Alzheimer's Disease the president's frequent gaffes And memory lapses have many Americans Worried and then there's the issue of The Biden family's involvement in money Schemes reports have emerged about Hunter Biden's lucrative business deals In China and Ukraine while his father Was vice president Well the mainstream media largely Ignored these reports they have since Become a major talking point among

Conservatives who argue that the bidens Have engaged in Corrupt Practices that Go against the values of the American People The controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's Financial crimes has only added Fuel to the fire as reported earlier This week an IRS whistleblower revealed That the president is working with Attorney general Merrick Garland to Protect his son from prosecution for Several illegal activities this Revelation has only solidified The Public's belief that the bidens are a Corrupt and untrustworthy family and has Further eroded Joe Biden's credibility As a leader as we move closer to the 2024 presidential election it's clear That Joe Biden's political future is in Jeopardy with low approval ratings Mounting controversies he faces an Uphill battle to win back the trust of The American people and while it's still The early days it's starting to look Like his presidency may be over before It ever really began Now the numbers don't lie President Biden president his Biden's Presidency is in trouble from low poll Numbers to mounting controversies the President's facing a difficult road Ahead if he hopes to make it through the Next two years in office and while some May argue that he still has time to turn

Things around the reality is that his Credibility and Leadership have been Seriously damaged the implications of Biden's struggles are far-reaching and Profound from the future of American Politics and the economy to the fate of The Biden Family itself there are many Factors at play here but one thing is Clear the bot The public's trust in Joe Biden has been eroded and it may be Difficult for him to regain that trust Anytime soon as conservatives we must Continue to hold the byte Administration Accountable for their actions and demand Transparency and integrity in government The future of America depends on it Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and Silver from Noble gold Investments are Real Treasures during Times Like These The feeling of being outside the system When things go wrong is a great one Every qualifying Ira of 50 000 or more

Will get a beautiful one-quarter ounce Beautiful Gold Eagle bullion coin Noble Gold Investments has thousands of five Star reviews so you can't go wrong and In the description box below you'll find The link tap more if you're using a Mobile device we'll see you at the next Report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Possess the power to impact the global Narrative please share this report and To get more videos like this become a Next News subscriber by clicking the Link below thank you for watching the Next News Network