ALERT: Cartels REJOICE As Biden scraps Trump-Era DNA Testing At The Border

ALERT: Cartels REJOICE As Biden Scraps Trump-Era DNA Testing At The Border


Illegal immigration has always been a contentious issue in the United States. The countrys proximity to Mexico makes it a hot spot for people trying to enter the country illegally. To prevent the entry of illegal immigrants former President Donald Trump implemented familial DNA testing at the border. However President Biden has scrapped this programme now that his administration is in power. The decision to halt DNA testing has caused concern among border security officials as it poses a significant threat to national security.


During the Trump administration the Familial DNA testing method was deployed by Customs and Border Protection officials to verify familial relationships among immigrants claiming to be related. The testing helped to expose cartels exploitation of children and prevent fraudulent entries of illegal immigrants. This test proved instrumental in keeping tabs on illegal migration and exposing the risks of exploitation of children. However the present Biden administration has decided to end testing when their vendor contract expires leaving the border unprotected once more.

Fake families

Fake family units and children are often used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border. According to a 2019 report from the Department of Homeland Security 5800 fraudulent family units were apprehended at the border and more than 80% of apprehended families were found to have no legal right to remain in the United States. Other reports have found that about 30 percent of suspected migrant fraud families shared no familial relation at all. These statistics show how essential familial DNA testing is for border protection.

National security concerns

The abandonment of DNA testing poses significant national security concerns. It puts innocent children in danger and without concrete proof of familial connections can allow individuals linked to dangerous operations to enter the United States. The Biden administrations decision to end DNA testing could potentially endanger the lives of innocent children and undermine the efforts of dedicated border agents who work tirelessly to protect borders. This decision can also provide dangerous criminal networks with an opportunity to expand their influence in the US.

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The abandonment of familial DNA testing by the Biden administration is a controversial and dangerous move. It could jeopardize national security and put innocent children at risk. While counterfeit family units and children used for illegal immigrant smuggling have indeed been caught due to DNA testing scrapping it altogether does not seem to be the right course of action. Border security officials must find a way to strike a balance between the human rights of migrants and the countrys safety.