I heard a story the other day Um it's it's truly amazing I think it Was first reported Um out of uh Arizona's family Um and These these two writers they do this Incredible interview with this mother Who went through hell Your this is a story that is showing you The future Stefano is with us Um and she is uh married and mother of Four And she had an incredible experience When her phone rang and she almost Didn't pick it up Jennifer welcome to The program Hi Glenn thank you so much for having me This this is so crazy when I read this I Was like oh my gosh this is the future Um tell me what happened Yeah it was horrifying I um my daughter Was training for a ski race and um so She was away with my husband and my Younger son as he competes as well and I Was uh with my younger daughter who had Rehearsal So I got a phone call And I saw it come up as I was getting Out of my car as an unknown number so Um I first was not going to answer it but Then I thought well that could be a Medic or could be a doctor a hospital
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And Bree is training so Um you know in case he got hurt I should Answer it so I had my phone on speaker As I was carrying some things inside to Meet my younger daughter at dance and All of a sudden my daughter Brianna's Voice says mom and she's sobbing and Crying and she has a very specific type Of sob and Christ he's not a whaler he's Not a screamer she doesn't freak out It's very internal and controlled And so I didn't doubt for one second it Was her so it's her voice saying mom and She's crying and sobbing I said what Happened what's going on she goes mom I Messed up and she's still sobbing and Crying so I'm thinking she got hurt I'm Like what what do you what happened What's going on all of a sudden I heard A man's voice say lay down put your head Back so I thought she was being gurnied Or tobogganed or something down the Mountain And then she goes mom mom these bad men Happy help me help me help me and this Guy comes on full voice and her face in The background face and it's her Pleading and sobbing and crying for help And he goes listen here I have your Daughter Um you're not going to call the police You're not going to talk to anybody if You do I'm gonna pump her stomach so Full of drugs I'm gonna have my way with
Her and I'm gonna drop her in Mexico and You'll never see her daughter again She's talking about it so it makes me um It still gets me but anyway so at that Point I had her own speaker And I I was walking into my other Daughter's studio and I just started Screaming for help it was after hours I Knew my younger daughter was there with At least one teacher I didn't know there Was a couple other moms and a couple Other students there and so the mom came Around me and heard all of the things That he was threatening to do and what Was going on and so one jumped on the Phone and called 9-1-1 with her phone Um I asked I was trying to text my older Son I was trying to text my other kids My daughter You know find Brie where's Brie what's Going on where's your dad find your dad Um and we'll say again the other mom I Went and grabbed my younger daughter's Phone because my daughter was just Paralyzed listening to all the things he Was saying and um tried contacting my Husband Um to find out where he was and wherever He was and they were they asked for a Million dollars at that point they asked For a million dollars Um which I wasn't going to be possible Uh he got really angry with me Um and then he demanded fifty thousand
Dollars and so I said okay Um just and I wanted to talk to my Daughter again he wouldn't let me talk To her again though Um and that's when we found out from 9-1-1 that there was this AI scam going On that's being used and that this is Pretty common which we were horrified to Hear but that gave us some hope Um but still I I didn't know for sure if That was what was happening so I asked Him for wiring instructions or how he Wanted me to get the fifty thousand Dollars for him and he refused the wire And he was demanding that I was going to Be personally picked up And I was going to be transported in a Van with a bag over my head with the Cash to my daughter and if we didn't Have all the money that both of us were Going to be dead And he wanted to make arrangements to Come physically pick me up Um so at that point we had the police on Their way And then finally we were able to get my Husband on the phone with uh and he was Able to locate and make sure that my Daughter was safe and in his possession But her voice was so real that I Couldn't I didn't believe that he really Had her and that she was really safe Because her voice I was like I just Spoke to her how can she be there with
You and how can she be there with these Guys I don't understand what's going on And my brain just could not process that Um as they kept trying to reinsure me That she was safe until they finally Handed me the phone and I was able to Talk to her and she reaffirmed that she Was safe and she was with Dad and then What's going on and then that's when I Got back on the phone with those guys And hauled them out on the scam which They kept denying was a scam and then I Hung up on them Is in uh this is incredible so if if Anybody missed it in the audience this Was an AI uh representation of Her daughter How did they get the how did they get The the the the uh the sound to be able To reproduce her voice Yeah I've racked my brain on that my Daughter's not very big on social media And all any accounts he has is private I Mean her Tick Tock account is 32 Followers so Um she uh she has done some interviews Some sports interviews she's an athlete She does have A public photographer like account from When she did some modeling for some Outerwear and skiing but not that but The voice the crying the sobbing is Where I can't even find anything that Where they I'm not sure and so that's
What's really haunting for me is I can't Figure out that piece of the puzzle I Don't know where they got that I'm gonna see if what some of our guys Can look into that because that that is Disturbing that they can do that Um did they catch the guys Uh they're not looking into it so Unfortunately because Kidnapping there's nothing that can be Done so it's written up as a prank call Oh my gosh Oh my god when I talked to the police it Was Um you know we could have an officer Call you if you feel unsafe just to Reassure you that you're safe but There's nothing that can be done Wow did they say how often this is Happening They did not but they did say that Um this isn't the first report they'd Had of it um but that there's nothing That they can do when I put it out I put It out on next door just as a warning Um because I didn't know if it's Targeted to our area I didn't know where The targeting was coming from all of a Sudden all these other people started Coming forward with their stories Including my own mother called me and She never told me this before but my Brother's voice was used to call her to Say that he had been injured in a car
Accident and that he needed money and She's hard of hearing because she asked Them to keep repeating because it wasn't Making sense to her and the way they Spoke to her and they kept saying mom Don't you recognize me that kind of Tipped her off that something funny was Going on and so she told me to go find The real mother and hung up on them but And my brother's not anywhere his voice Isn't anywhere I can think of either so He's he's my age he's in his 40s so I it You know goes so far and so wide and so Deep in so many different areas The good news is for my wife if they Kidnap me because of my voice is Everywhere she'll be like take him Mexico fine can you take him further That'd be great Jennifer thank you for sharing this Um what an amazing story thank you Thank you for bringing awareness so we Can hopefully stop this yeah thank you Jennifer uh de Stefano she's a mom in Arizona that's that is the first time I've heard of an AI crime Using artificial voice I mean that's Going to work against a lot of people oh My gosh imagine how terrified you'd be Especially when they're saying you can't Get off the phone You know you you there's no way to You're making judgments about massive Life-changing decisions in moments where
You're totally out of sorts you just Said you said to me two hours ago Um I don't know if it was on air or off The air but you're like I said this is This is as powerful as The nuclear bomb when we invented it It's going to change the world that much Except we all have a little red button On our phone okay and you said you Really think it could change that look At the damage done today with just that Imagine Bots set out to do as many as They can Of this in one day where you have 50 000 People in America get a call like that On the same day and on the same day you Would even be able to automate the Kidnappers voices yeah of course you Have people on the other side of the Phone just you know stick you know the Account information or whatever in there And and who knows how many people would Wire five thousand ten thousand twenty Thousand dollars to try to make sure That this is not happening to the kid Uh you know and we see these hacker type Of situations where state government City governments are paying actually the Hackers they're actually doing it when They're actually paying ransoms When did I say to you there's going to Come a time that you won't believe your Eyes or your ears very early on in the Show you said that and you know you I
Mean almost all of the things that you Came up with have come true or at least Are almost true So there was at least 20 years ago yeah Okay at least 20 years ago When when she said this I didn't realize It until the middle of it I looked at Stu off air and I said you won't believe Your eyes As I thought about that while she was Talking I thought of something else Today is the day that the Sony Um Uh photograph of the year Okay Beautiful photograph the guy one Photograph of the year it's a world Competition photograph of the Year from Sony And he just admitted today I can't Accept the award because that's AI And I thought we should talk about how Good AI is today is the day you cannot Believe your eyes Sony didn't pick it up And you cannot believe your ears That's bizarre