Democrats WILL NEVER Secure the Border!

    Democrats WILL NEVER Secure the Border!

    Democrats WILL NEVER Secure the Border!


    When it comes to securing the border, Democrats have continuously shown their lack of commitment and genuine efforts. Despite repeated promises and discussions, their lack of action speaks volumes. It has become clear that the Democratic Party’s priority lies not in securing the border, but in playing political games and pursuing their own agenda. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Democrats have failed to secure the border and how their actions resemble the famous analogy of Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football.

    1. Republican leadership repeatedly falls for the same trick with Chuck Schumer

    Just like Charlie Brown, Republican leadership repeatedly falls for the same trick with Chuck Schumer. They enter negotiations with Schumer and the Democrats, hoping to find common ground and reach a solution. However, time and time again, the Democrats prove that they are not genuinely interested in securing the border. Their true intention is not to find a solution, but rather to advance their own political agenda.

    1. They entered the negotiation willing to only do what Chuck Schumer agrees to

    In negotiations with Chuck Schumer, Republicans have shown a willingness to compromise and come to an agreement. Unfortunately, Schumer takes advantage of this willingness by pushing for measures that do not address the core issue of securing the border. Republicans are left with no choice but to either accept Schumer’s terms or face the blame for the lack of progress. This dynamic only perpetuates the cycle of inaction and further highlights the Democrats’ lack of commitment to securing the border.

    1. Chuck Schumer doesn’t want to fix the border issue, he wants it to continue

    It has become evident that Chuck Schumer is not interested in finding a permanent solution to the border issue. Instead, he thrives on the political divide and the chaos surrounding the border. It serves his agenda to keep this issue unresolved, as he can use it to rally his base and gain political leverage. Democrats like Schumer are more interested in maintaining control and pushing their own narratives rather than effectively addressing the border crisis.

    1. Negotiating with him is like putting Hannibal Lecter in charge of a vegan ad campaign

    Negotiating with Chuck Schumer is a futile effort, much like putting Hannibal Lecter in charge of a vegan ad campaign. Schumer’s motives are not aligned with finding a solution – they are focused solely on gaining political advantage. Expecting a genuine compromise or active efforts to secure the border from Schumer is as unrealistic as expecting Hannibal Lecter to promote veganism. It is time for Republicans to recognize this dynamic and change their approach accordingly.

    Why Democrats’ approach won’t achieve the objective they suggest:

    1. Lack of enforcement measures: Democrats often propose solutions that focus primarily on humanitarian aspects such as improving conditions in detention centers or providing assistance to migrants. While these measures are important, they do not address the root cause of illegal border crossings or deter future attempts.

    2. Failure to address the loopholes: The existing immigration laws and loopholes enable individuals to exploit the system and enter the country unlawfully. Democrats have shown little effort to close these loopholes or strengthen border security. Without addressing these issues, securing the border remains an unattainable goal.

    3. Prioritizing political agendas over national security: Democrats’ focus on pushing their own political agendas rather than prioritizing national security is evident in their unwillingness to work towards a comprehensive border security plan. Instead, they seek to score political points by exploiting the issue for their own benefit.


    In conclusion, Democrats have consistently failed to secure the border due to their political motivations and lack of genuine commitment to addressing the issue. Negotiating with Chuck Schumer and expecting a favorable outcome is akin to falling for the same trick repeatedly, just like Charlie Brown with Lucy and the football. The time has come for Republicans to recognize this pattern and pursue alternative strategies that prioritize national security and border enforcement. Subscribing to BlazeTV on YouTube and visiting the brand new ad-free ‘Blaze News’ website can provide further insights into this ongoing issue. Joining BlazeTV will also grant access to exclusive content and shows, and official Blaze Media merch is available for purchase. Connect with BlazeTV on various social media platforms to stay updated on the latest news and analysis. Let’s work towards securing our borders and protecting our nation’s interests.