
In a recent video created by Benny Johnson, the alarming news broke that Donald Trump has been removed from the 2024 ballot due to election interference. This shocking development has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the integrity of our democratic system. In this article, we will delve into the details of this ruling and explore the implications it holds for both Trump supporters and the future of American politics.

The Democrats claim they saved democracy

One of the key elements surrounding this ruling is the claim made by Democrats that they have saved democracy. This assertion implies that by disqualifying Trump from running for president in 2024, they have protected the democratic process from potential interference. However, this claim should be scrutinized, as it raises questions about the motive behind the ruling.

Trump’s current lead over Joe Biden

Interestingly, despite this disqualification, Trump is currently winning against Joe Biden by a six-point spread in recent polls. This raises doubts about the necessity of such a drastic measure and prompts further examination of the motives behind the decision.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruling

The ruling that disqualifies Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot was made by the Colorado Supreme Court. It is important to note that the majority of justices who made this decision were Democrat-appointed, which raises concerns about political bias playing a role in the outcome.

The basis of the ruling: 14th Amendment and accusations of insurrection

The Colorado Supreme Court based their disqualification of Trump on the 14th Amendment and the accusation of insurrection. However, it is worth highlighting that these accusations have not been proven, leading to skepticism about the validity of the ruling.

Trump’s plan to appeal at the Supreme Court

In response to this ruling, Donald Trump has announced plans to appeal the decision at the Supreme Court. This move will surely add another layer of complexity to the legal battle surrounding this case and keep the issue in the public eye for the foreseeable future.

Republican National Committee’s intention to file a lawsuit

Moreover, the Republican National Committee has also expressed their intentions to sue the Colorado Supreme Court over this ruling. This suggests that they strongly believe the decision lacks legal merit and further fuels the ongoing political divide in the country.

Restriction of Trump’s First Amendment rights

One of the significant concerns raised by this ruling is the restriction it places on Donald Trump’s First Amendment rights. By disqualifying him from the ballot based on unsubstantiated accusations of insurrection, it sets a dangerous precedent for limiting free speech in the political arena.

A dangerous precedent for free speech

The potential consequences of this ruling extend beyond the immediate implications for Donald Trump. If a ruling such as this stands unchallenged, it could establish a dangerous precedent for suppressing free speech and stifling political opposition in the future. This is a concerning prospect that should be thoroughly debated and scrutinized.

The decision is politically motivated and lacks legal merit

Lastly, it is important to highlight that many critics argue that the ruling is politically motivated and lacks legal merit. The concerns surrounding this case raise questions about whether personal bias and political agendas played a role in the disqualification of Donald Trump.

In conclusion, the news of Donald Trump being removed from the 2024 ballot due to alleged election interference is certainly a development that demands attention and scrutiny. The ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, which was made by Democrat-appointed justices, along with the Republican National Committee’s intention to file a lawsuit, leaves us with many unanswered questions. As this legal battle unfolds, the potential implications for free speech and the future of American politics cannot be underestimated. It is essential that we closely monitor these events and ensure that our democratic processes are safeguarded from any unfair manipulation.