And You Thought MKUltra Was Bad…

    And You Thought MKUltra Was Bad...

    And You Thought MKUltra Was Bad…


    In the digital age, social media, big tech, and artificial intelligence (AI) have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to connect with friends and family, stay updated on current events, and entertain ourselves. However, their infiltration into our lives has raised concerns about the extent of their influence and the potential for manipulation. In this review, we will delve into the video created by BlazeTV, titled “And You Thought MKUltra Was Bad…”, which explores the current landscape of social media, big tech, and AI.

    The Current War is Being Waged in Our Minds

    The video sheds light on the fact that the current battleground is not fought on physical terrain, but within the confines of our own minds. Through social media algorithms and AI-driven platforms, our thoughts, preferences, and behaviors are constantly being analyzed and manipulated. These systems collect immense amounts of data about us, enabling them to tailor content and advertisements specifically designed to influence our opinions and actions.

    Foreign Countries Launching Systems within the United States

    One alarming revelation in the video is the presence of foreign countries launching AI systems within the United States. These systems are designed to create disruptions and gain control over the populace. This poses a significant threat to national security and necessitates immediate action to block foreign AI systems from infiltrating our society. Legislation should be put in place to safeguard against such intrusions and protect the privacy and autonomy of American citizens.

    States Need to Become Self-Sufficient

    To mitigate the risks posed by AI-driven manipulation, states should strive to become self-sufficient in vital resources such as food, water, and energy. Relying too heavily on other nations leaves us vulnerable to potential economic and political exploitation. By focusing on self-sustainability, states can reduce their dependence on external forces and ensure their resilience and security.

    The Role of Each Individual

    While legislation and state-level initiatives play a crucial role, each individual must also understand and take action at their own level. Simply being aware of the potential manipulation tactics used on social media platforms can empower individuals to make informed decisions. Questioning the sources of information, verifying facts, and engaging in critical thinking are essential in navigating the complex digital landscape.

    The Talent Pool for Manipulation

    The advent of social media and AI has expanded the talent pool for manipulation, no longer limited to a specific population. Everyone with access to these machines is susceptible to psychological programming. Personal information shared on these platforms is used to train AI algorithms, which in turn reinforce and amplify individual biases and beliefs. This broadens the scope and impact of psychological manipulation, making it imperative to address these concerns collectively.

    Foreign-Born AI-Driven Psychological Programming

    Among the concerns highlighted in the video, foreign-born AI-driven psychological programming emerges as a major issue. With the digital world transcending geographic boundaries, foreign entities can employ sophisticated tactics to influence individuals in ways that serve their interests. This not only raises questions about the integrity of online discourse but also puts national security at risk. To safeguard against such infiltration, robust cybersecurity measures and regulations must be established.

    The Banning of TikTok

    The video raises the topic of the banning of TikTok as part of addressing these overarching issues. TikTok, a popular social media platform owned by a Chinese company, poses potential risks due to its data collection practices and the potential for foreign interference. While the ban may appear as a solution, a comprehensive approach is required to address the broader concerns associated with AI-driven psychological programming.


    In conclusion, the video “And You Thought MKUltra Was Bad…” delves into the current landscape of social media, big tech, and AI. The infiltration of these entities into our lives raises concerns about manipulation and foreign influence. Legislation, individual awareness, and state-level initiatives are crucial in combating these issues. By understanding the extent of AI-driven psychological programming and taking necessary precautions, we can safeguard our minds, privacy, and national security. It is time to acknowledge the potential dangers and work towards striking a balance between the benefits and risks of the digital age. So next time you find yourself scrolling mindlessly through social media, remember, the war is being waged in your mind.