“You Haven’t Fired Anybody!” – Josh Hawley LIVID at FBI Director

    "You Haven't Fired Anybody!" - Josh Hawley LIVID at FBI Director


    In a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on December 5, 2023, Senator Josh Hawley criticized FBI Director Christopher Wray for alleged targeting of Catholics. The heated exchange between Hawley and Wray has garnered significant attention and has called into question the actions of the FBI regarding their interactions with individuals practicing the Catholic faith. In this article, we will delve into the details of this exchange and explore the implications it may have on the relationship between law enforcement agencies and religious communities.

    Sen. Josh Hawley criticizes FBI Director Christopher Wray for targeting Catholics

    During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley expressed his concerns about the FBI’s alleged targeting of individuals practicing the Catholic faith. Hawley accused Director Wray of allowing agents to approach priests and choir directors for information on parishioners, implying that this targeted approach was a form of religious discrimination. Hawley’s criticism centered on the belief that individuals should not be investigated based on their religious expression alone.

    Director Wray denies lying to Congress about the FBI’s actions

    In response to Hawley’s allegations, Director Wray adamantly denied lying to Congress about the FBI’s actions. He explained that while the Richmond field office did create an intelligence product related to Catholic communities, it did not result in any specific investigative actions. Wray emphasized that the FBI does not target individuals based on their religious expression and that the intelligence product was withdrawn promptly.

    Whistleblower reveals FBI agents interviewed priests and choir directors

    A whistleblower came forward with information that FBI agents had indeed interviewed priests and choir directors in the Richmond area. This revelation caused further scrutiny towards the actions of the FBI and deepened the concern that individuals’ religious affiliations were being used as a basis for investigation. The whistleblower’s account added weight to Hawley’s accusations and raised questions about the extent of the FBI’s involvement in religious communities.

    Director Wray asserts actions were not based on religious bias

    Faced with mounting criticism, Director Wray asserted that the actions taken by the FBI were not based on religious bias. He maintained that the FBI investigates individuals based on credible intelligence and evidence rather than their religious expression. Wray acknowledged that mistakes were made in creating the intelligence product and approaching individuals within Catholic communities but emphasized that admonishment and corrective actions were taken swiftly.

    Sen. Hawley questions systemic bigotry against Catholics in the FBI

    Senator Hawley, unsatisfied with Director Wray’s responses, questioned whether systemic bigotry against Catholics exists within the FBI. He challenged Wray to take stronger action against those involved and expressed his frustration over the lack of terminations within the Bureau. Hawley’s argument rested on the belief that failure to hold individuals accountable would only perpetuate a larger issue of discrimination within the agency.

    Director Wray promises consequences and addresses performance reviews

    In response to Hawley’s pointed questions, Director Wray assured him that there would be consequences for those involved in the intelligence product and the subsequent interviews. Wray stated that the individuals responsible had been admonished and that it would impact their annual performance reviews within the FBI. While Hawley aimed for more severe repercussions, Wray defended the actions taken within the confines of the Bureau’s internal processes.

    In conclusion, the heated exchange between Senator Hawley and FBI Director Wray during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing shed light on the allegations of the FBI’s targeting of Catholics. While Director Wray denied any religious bias and emphasized the prompt corrective actions taken, Senator Hawley’s concerns about systemic bigotry within the agency remained. This episode highlights the importance of accountability, transparency, and the delicate balance between law enforcement agencies and religious communities.