Mass Illegal Immigration = Zero Trust Society

Mass Illegal Immigration = Zero Trust Society


I recently came across a disturbing ring doorbell clip that left me questioning the state of our society. This clip showed a family, speaking Spanish, blatantly stealing a bucket of Halloween candy. It was disheartening to witness how they not only took all the candy but hoarded it for themselves, leaving no treats for the other children in the neighborhood. This incident highlighted a bigger issue – the emergence of a zero trust society, where people seem to lack care for their neighbors and even despise those who actually live in the area.

Living in a Zero Trust Society

Living in a zero trust society is a horrifying experience, to say the least. It is a society where generous acts are few and far between, and people are constantly suspicious of one another. This lack of trust creates an environment that is akin to living in a nightmare. In a zero trust society, people keep their doors locked at all times, not only to protect their belongings but also themselves.

The Role of Mass Illegal Immigration

One factor that contributes to the emergence of a zero trust society is the issue of mass illegal immigration. Opening borders to criminal aliens who have no connection to the land they reside in leads to incidents like the one I witnessed with the stolen Halloween candy. These individuals have no regard for the laws of the nation and often bring with them a disregard for the well-being of the community.

The Lack of Generosity and Neighborly Care

In a zero trust society, there is a glaring absence of generosity and neighborly care. People are no longer willing to lend a helping hand or extend a kind gesture to those around them. Instead, they focus solely on their own well-being, often at the expense of others. This greed and self-centeredness create a toxic environment where empathy and compassion are overshadowed by personal gain.

Making a Difference, One Candy at a Time

Fortunately, amidst the bleakness of a zero trust society, there are still those who refuse to succumb to the prevailing negativity. Some individuals decided to make a difference by adding candy to the jar that was stolen from. In their small act of kindness, they showed that not everyone in society is driven by self-interest. These acts of generosity serve as a glimmer of hope and remind us that we have the power to shape the society we live in.

Creating a Great Society

We certainly don’t want to live in a zero trust society. Instead, we should aim to create a society built on trust, care, and generosity. Promoting trust and care for our neighbors is essential in fostering a sense of community and making our society a great place to live. By reaching out to our neighbors, helping those in need, and actively participating in community activities, we can counteract the negative effects of a zero trust society.


The incident I witnessed, where a family stole Halloween candy without regard for their neighbors, is a stark representation of the damaging consequences of mass illegal immigration and the emergence of a zero trust society. Living in such a society is an awful experience, one that lacks the generosity and care that defines a thriving community. We must actively promote trust and care for our neighbors to prevent the spread of a zero trust society. It is through acts of kindness and unity that we can create a society where generosity and compassion prevail.