Larry Elder Drops Bomb on George Floyd Lies | Autopsy Reveals the TRUTH

Larry Elder Drops Bomb on George Floyd Lies | Autopsy Reveals the TRUTH

H1: Larry Elder Drops Bomb on George Floyd Lies | Autopsy Reveals the TRUTH


When it comes to exposing the truth and debunking lies, conservative political commentator Larry Elder never holds back. Recently, he has criticized the Democrats for their use of George Floyd’s death to push their own agenda. Moreover, a recent autopsy has shed light on the actual cause of George Floyd’s death. In this article, we will delve into Larry Elder’s views and discuss the autopsy findings, as well as the impact of rising violent crime on black communities, the continued support of black voters for the Democrats, and the appeal of Donald Trump’s policies to Larry Elder.

H2: Larry Elder Exposes Democrats’ Manipulation of George Floyd’s Death

  • Democrats’ use of George Floyd’s death for political gain
  • Unearthing the truth behind George Floyd’s demise
  • Larry Elder’s criticism of exploiting George Floyd’s death
  • Dissecting the Democrats’ narrative surrounding George Floyd

Larry Elder has been vocal about the Democrats’ exploitation of George Floyd’s death. While the tragic incident sparked widespread outrage and calls for justice, the Democrats seemed keen on using it as a tool to further their own political agenda. Elder firmly believes that this is an unacceptable way to handle such a sensitive issue.

H3: Autopsy Report Reveals the Truth about George Floyd’s Death

  • Unveiling the findings of the autopsy report
  • The role of fentanyl and methamphetamine in George Floyd’s death
  • Challenging the mainstream narrative surrounding Floyd’s demise

The recently released autopsy report has shed light on the actual cause of George Floyd’s death. Contrary to the popular narrative, the report revealed that the presence of fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system played a significant role in his tragic demise. This revelation challenges the widely held belief that Floyd’s death was solely the result of police brutality.

H2: Rising Violent Crime Disproportionately Affecting Black Communities

  • Escalating rates of violent crime among black communities
  • The impact on black neighborhoods
  • Larry Elder’s concern for the safety of black individuals

Larry Elder has been vocal about the rising rates of violent crime that disproportionately affect black communities. This alarming trend has severe implications for the safety and well-being of black individuals. Elder asserts that urgent action is needed to address this issue and protect those most at risk.

H2: Democrats’ Continued Support from Black Voters

  • Black voters’ loyalty to the Democratic Party
  • Concerns over schools and crime
  • Ignoring the Democrats’ problematic track record

Despite the issues with schools and crime that plague black communities, the Democratic Party continues to enjoy significant support from black voters. Larry Elder questions why black individuals are still loyal to a party that has failed to address these critical concerns. He suggests that it is time for black voters to reassess their loyalties and demand better from the politicians they elect.

H2: The Trump Factor and Larry Elder’s Endorsement

  • Increasing support for Donald Trump among black voters in 2020
  • Larry Elder’s meeting with Donald Trump
  • Endorsing Trump based on his policies

In the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump gained increased support from black voters. Larry Elder, recognizing the appeal of Trump’s policies pertaining to crime and border security, met with the former president and endorsed him. Elder believes that Trump’s approach to these issues will benefit black individuals in the long run.

H2: Impact of Illegal Alien Labor on Black Salaries and Employment

  • Negative effects of illegal alien labor on black individuals
  • Economic repercussions of hiring illegal migrants
  • Larry Elder’s stance on the issue

Larry Elder highlights the negative impact of illegal alien labor on the salaries and employment opportunities of black individuals. The presence of unauthorized workers not only drives down wages but also affects unemployment rates among black communities. Elder believes that addressing this issue is crucial for the economic prosperity of black individuals.

H2: Democrats’ History and Policies Affecting Black Individuals

  • Examining the history of the Democratic Party and its treatment of black people
  • Policies that have negatively impacted black individuals
  • Larry Elder’s call for accountability

Larry Elder draws attention to the Democratic Party’s history and policies that have had adverse effects on black individuals. From the party’s support of slavery to their implementation of policies that perpetuate dependence rather than promote self-sufficiency, Elder argues that the Democrats’ track record should be critically evaluated.

H2: Questions Surrounding Biden’s Statements on White Supremacy and Homicide Rates

  • Scrutinizing President Biden’s comments on white supremacy
  • Querying the correlation between race and homicide rates
  • Larry Elder’s inquiry into Biden’s stance

Larry Elder questions President Biden’s statements on white supremacy and the correlation between race and homicide rates. He points to the need for careful analysis and genuine dialogue rather than simplistic rhetoric on these complex issues. Elder believes that by asking difficult questions, we can lead to a better understanding of the challenges faced by black communities.


Larry Elder is unafraid to speak out and expose the truth, even when it challenges the mainstream narrative. By shining a light on the Democrats’ manipulation of George Floyd’s death, highlighting the impact of rising violent crime on black communities, and questioning the support of black voters, Elder has become a leading voice for change. With his endorsement of Donald Trump and his emphasis on the negative impact of illegal alien labor, Elder has made it clear that he values policies that truly benefit black individuals. It is through discussions like these that we can hope to find solutions and create a better future for all.