Girl learns about taxes the HARD WAY 😖

Girl learns about taxes the HARD WAY 😖


As young adults, my friends and I found ourselves navigating the harsh realities of the working world. We were fresh out of school, full of dreams and ambitions, but had never experienced the responsibilities and complexities of a professional job. Instead, we had always worked at a local pool, where our wages were consistently below the minimum requirement. This meant that we were barely scraping by, constantly living from paycheck to paycheck. We had heard about taxes, but their impact had never hit us until we saw the significant deductions from our meager paychecks. These experiences led us to make a connection to the Boston Tea Party, an event we had learned about in history class. We realized how frustrations over unfair taxation had sparked a revolution.

Opening Up Our Paychecks

One fateful day, curiosity struck us, and we decided to take a closer look at our paychecks. We wanted to understand the breakdown of our earnings and decipher how much we were actually taking home after all the deductions. Armed with calculators and determination, we began our exploration into the realm of finances. Little did we know that this simple act would reveal a whole new perspective on the realities of the working world.

The Sad Truth of Taxes

The first shock we encountered was the significant chunk of money that taxes took from our earnings. It felt like we were living out a modern-day Boston Tea Party, as we watched our hard-earned money become a source of revenue for the government. We understood the necessity of taxes for public services and infrastructure, but the realization hit hard when we saw the impact on our own wallets.

The Government and Criminal Organizations

As we delved deeper into the world of taxes, we began to uncover how different entities benefited from our hard work. It was disheartening to discover that a portion of our earnings indirectly supported criminal organizations. Money laundering, fraud, and various illicit activities thrived in the shadowy underbelly of the economy. We felt helpless, realizing that our money was being siphoned off for nefarious purposes.

The Red Pill of Reality

With each paycheck, our eyes were opened wider to the harsh realities of the working world. We started discussing our experiences with others and realized that many young individuals were unaware of the true impact of taxes on their earnings. This sparked an idea – a YouTube channel where young Gen Zers could share their paycheck deductions and educate others about the financial realities they faced. We wanted to enlighten people, share the truth, and empower others to question the system.

The Shock of Dwindling Paychecks

As we began documenting and sharing our paycheck deductions, the numbers shocked us. It was disheartening to see just how little money was left after all the necessary deductions. It seemed unfair that our hard work and efforts were rewarded with a mere pittance. We understood the importance of taxes in maintaining a functioning society, but it was disheartening to witness how little we received in return.

The Importance of Understanding Finances

Our journey into the world of taxation taught us the importance of financial literacy. We realized that it was crucial to understand how taxes affect our earnings and where our hard-earned money goes. It empowered us to take control of our financial futures and make informed decisions. By learning about taxes the hard way, we became advocates for financial education and transparency.


Learning about taxes the hard way was a wake-up call for us. We had never truly understood the impact of taxes until we opened up our own paychecks. Seeing the significant deductions and how little money was left after all the necessary payments made us question the system. We realized the importance of financial literacy and the need for transparency. Through our experiences, we hope to empower others with the knowledge to make informed decisions and demand fairness in the working world. So next time you receive your paycheck, take a moment to understand where your hard-earned money is going and join us in shedding light on the realities of taxation. After all, it’s crucial to have an informed citizenry to drive positive change in society.