WATCH: Josh Hawley STUNNED by Biden Official’s ‘Pay To Play’ Scheme

    WATCH: Josh Hawley STUNNED by Biden Official’s ‘Pay To Play’ Scheme


    In this article, we will dive into a gripping discussion centered around a recent interview where Senator Josh Hawley was stunned by a potentially controversial “pay to play” scheme involving a Biden official. We will explore the details surrounding this event and examine the different viewpoints and concerns raised during the interview.

    The Interview and its Revelations

    During the interview, the focus shifts towards attending events where industry leaders pay to see the individual being questioned speak. The person in question, Senator Josh Hawley, is known for attending numerous events, some of which are paid conferences. However, Senator Hawley firmly denies that people are paying specifically to see him speak, emphasizing that these events cater to a range of speakers and topics.

    The Debate on Conflict of Interest

    As the discussion unfolds, concerns are raised regarding the potential conflict of interest that may arise from attending events where people pay to gain access to federal funding. Critics argue that there is a risk that these events could influence decision-making processes and sway the allocation of funds towards certain interests. However, Senator Hawley firmly states that he does not make decisions on loan program applications and that his attendance at these events is merely for informational purposes.

    Exploring the Role of the Secretary of Energy and DOE Officials

    Another aspect of the interview revolves around the concerns raised about the Secretary of Energy and other officials within the Department of Energy (DOE) holding stocks related to the agency’s work. This implies a potential conflict of interest if these individuals have a personal stake in the outcomes of the DOE’s activities. However, it is essential to understand the rules and regulations surrounding this matter.

    Navigating Stock Holdings and Government Work

    Senator Hawley sheds light on the rules and regulations that govern government officials in holding stocks while performing their duties. He elucidates that these regulations are in place to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure transparency in decision-making processes. However, the debate continues, raising questions about whether these regulations are stringent enough, and if there is a need for further scrutiny in this area.

    Connecting with BlazeTV

    As the interview concludes, Senator Hawley encourages viewers to stay informed through various media channels. He points out that one can watch BlazeTV on YouTube or join BlazeTV, where insightful discussions and analysis are shared. Additionally, for those interested, BlazeTV has merchandise available for purchase, allowing individuals to show their support and engage with the content they enjoy.

    Stay Connected with Blaze Media on Social Media

    In today’s social media-driven world, staying connected has never been easier. Blaze Media, the media outlet that conducted the interview, can be followed on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. By connecting through these platforms, viewers can stay updated on the latest news, interviews, and discussions, ensuring they are constantly informed about critical matters that impact their lives.


    The interview with Senator Josh Hawley highlights a thought-provoking discussion regarding a potential “pay to play” scheme involving a Biden official. Through this article, we explored the various aspects raised during the interview, delving into the debate surrounding attending events where industry leaders pay to see an individual speak. We also examined concerns about potential conflicts of interest within the Department of Energy and the regulations surrounding stock holdings while working for the government. By staying informed through reputable sources like BlazeTV and staying connected through social media platforms, individuals can actively engage in discussions that shape our society.?