House Foreign Affairs Chair: Biden’s Foreign Policy ‘Very Bad’

House Foreign Affairs Chair: Biden's Foreign Policy 'Very Bad'


In this article, I will delve into a topic that has been making waves in recent times – the house foreign affairs chair’s criticism of President Biden’s foreign policy. As a concerned citizen, I believe it is crucial to explore and evaluate the decisions and actions of our government regarding foreign relations.

The House Foreign Affairs Chair

As the house foreign affairs chair, it is my duty and responsibility to analyze and scrutinize the foreign policy decisions made by the administration in power. In this regard, I am deeply concerned about the current state of affairs under President Biden.

A Very Bad Foreign Policy

It is my strong opinion that President Biden’s foreign policy can be characterized as ‘very bad’. There are several key reasons why I believe this to be the case, and in the following sections, I will outline and discuss them in detail.

The Dangerous Hamas-Iran Connection

One alarming aspect of President Biden’s foreign policy is the connection between Hamas and Iran. There is substantial evidence to suggest that Iran provides significant funding and weapons to Hamas, which are then used against Israel. This dangerous alliance poses a significant threat to regional stability and peace.

Support for Terrorism

Another concerning aspect of the Biden administration’s policies is the apparent support for Iran and Hamas. This raises legitimate concerns among many individuals who fear that the administration could be deliberately supporting terrorism by turning a blind eye to their actions. Such support undermines global efforts to combat terrorism.

Lifting Sanctions and Funding Terrorism

Lifting sanctions on Iran without careful consideration could potentially result in giving them the financial means to support terrorist proxies. This is a grave concern, as it would enable Iran to further destabilize the region and pose a significant threat to global security.

Recent Hostage Swap and Money Transfer

The recent hostage swap and money transfer to Iran serve as stark examples of the dangers posed by the Biden administration’s foreign policy. These actions highlight the potential risks associated with negotiating with terrorist-supporting nations and the need for a more cautious approach when dealing with such entities.

The Timing of Current Events

It is essential to consider the timing of current events in relation to the negotiations between Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Arab world. The 50-year anniversary of Yom Kippur could have significant implications for the regional dynamics and the ongoing negotiations. This adds urgency and complexity to our foreign policy decisions.

Urgency in Addressing Foreign Military Financing

Given the gravity of the situation, there is a sense of urgency within the Republican Conference to quickly elect a new speaker and address foreign military financing. It is essential to reassess our policies and ensure that we are not inadvertently providing assistance and resources to countries and organizations that pose a threat to our national security.


In conclusion, I firmly believe that President Biden’s foreign policy is indeed ‘very bad’. The dangerous connection between Hamas and Iran, the support for terrorism, and the potential consequences of lifting sanctions on Iran are significant concerns. The recent hostage swap and money transfer, along with the timing of current events, further highlight the importance of reassessing our foreign policy decisions. Urgency in addressing foreign military financing is paramount to safeguarding our national security. As the house foreign affairs chair, it is my duty to raise these concerns and advocate for a more effective and responsible foreign policy approach.