This Is the End of Our High Trust Society

    This Is the End of Our High Trust Society

    This Is the End of Our High Trust Society


    In today’s society, issues of crime, looting, and theft have become increasingly prevalent. The breakdown of social norms coupled with racialized politics and the failure of municipal governments has led to the erosion of trust in our communities. This article will delve into the reasons behind the decline of our high trust society, the consequences it brings, and the potential solutions to regain trust within our communities.

    Crime and Looting: A Result of Unjust Decisions

    One of the notable incidents that brought attention to the decline of our high trust society occurred in Philadelphia. After murder charges were dismissed in a justified police shooting, riots and looting erupted in the city. Such instances of unrest not only highlight the frustration and anger within the community but also magnify the underlying issues of racialized politics and judicial discrepancies.

    The Failure of Municipal Governments

    It is evident that the failure of municipal governments plays a significant role in the deterioration of trust within our society. As cities struggle to address the rising crime rates and maintain law and order, the trust in these systems erodes. The failure to take decisive actions leads to frustrations among the citizens, ultimately resulting in the breakdown of social norms.

    The Shift in Social Norms and Inconvenience

    As trust diminishes, society is forced to adopt measures to protect against the increasing crime and theft. This leads to inconveniences such as anti-theft tags and locked cases in stores. While these security measures are necessary, they create an inconvenience for law-abiding citizens. These measures act as a constant reminder that our high trust society is fading away.

    Major Retailers Closing Doors

    The rise in crime has resulted in major retailers shutting down stores in unsafe areas. This not only creates a void in the availability of goods and services but also leads to the formation of food deserts in these communities. The flight of major retailers from these areas further deepens the divide between safe and unsafe neighborhoods.

    Excusing Delinquent Behavior and Its Consequences

    In some communities, there is a reluctance to stop or prosecute shoplifters due to fears of lawsuits and bad press. This leniency or even reward for delinquent behavior sends a message that crime is acceptable. By tolerating such behavior, we inadvertently contribute to the breakdown of trust within our society.

    Embracing Online Delivery Models

    To mitigate the risks associated with serving dangerous neighborhoods, businesses are adopting online delivery models. While this addresses the immediate safety concerns, it further reinforces the division between neighborhoods by perpetuating the lack of access to physical stores in unsafe areas.

    Solutions to Regain Trust

    Although the decline of our high trust society may seem daunting, there are potential solutions that can help rebuild trust within our communities. Here are some suggestions:

    1. Strengthen Municipal Governments

    Investing in the capabilities of municipal governments is crucial for restoring trust. By addressing issues of crime and taking swift actions against delinquent behavior, governments can show their commitment towards creating safer communities.

    2. Foster Community Engagement

    Encouraging community engagement is vital in regaining trust. This can be achieved through organizing neighborhood watch programs, community events, and fostering open dialogues between residents and local officials. By nurturing a sense of unity and shared responsibility, trust can be restored.

    3. Support Law Enforcement

    Supporting law enforcement agencies is instrumental in establishing trust in our communities. Adequate resources, training, and transparency are essential for rebuilding faith in the justice system.

    4. Promote Economic Development

    Investing in economic development initiatives in disadvantaged areas can help combat the issues associated with high crime rates. By providing job opportunities and improving living conditions, we can empower individuals and foster a sense of hope and trust in the future.

    5. Foster Accountability

    Holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their background or status, is crucial for rebuilding trust. This includes ensuring that shoplifters and other delinquents face appropriate consequences for their actions.


    The decline of our high trust society is a multifaceted issue that requires immediate attention. By understanding the root causes behind this decline, we can work towards implementing solutions that will rebuild trust within our communities. Strengthening municipal governments, fostering community engagement, supporting law enforcement, promoting economic development, and fostering accountability are all crucial steps towards restoring trust. Only by collectively addressing these challenges can we hope to rebuild the high trust society we once cherished.

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