ESPN Host EXPOSES Biden After Interview ‘Joe Couldn’t Finish Sentences. It Was The Saddest Thing’ 👀

ESPN Host EXPOSES Biden After Interview 'Joe Couldn’t Finish Sentences. It Was The Saddest Thing’ 👀


In recent news, former ESPN host Sage Steele has come forward to reveal some shocking revelations about President Joe Biden’s struggles to finish sentences during an unaired version of an interview. This article aims to delve into the details of these claims made by Steele and analyze the implications they have on Biden’s cognitive abilities and overall performance as the President of the United States.

Biden’s Struggles to Finish Sentences: The Unaired Interview

According to Steele, during the unaired version of the interview, Biden displayed serious difficulties in articulating his thoughts and completing sentences. She describes it as “the saddest thing” and raises concerns about the President’s cognitive capacity and IQ. Let’s explore the various instances where Biden’s struggles were observed during interviews.

Technical Issues Delayed Official Interview Start

Before the official interview with Biden began, technical difficulties caused a delay. The waiting time allowed Steele to engage in casual chitchat with the President, and it was during this conversation that she noticed his lack of ability to finish sentences. The pauses, stutters, and incomplete thoughts were evident even in a casual setting.

College Football Greatness: Biden’s Inability to Explain

One incident that stood out was when Steele asked Biden about his thoughts on college football greatness. Instead of providing a comprehensive response, Biden trailed off, went silent, and failed to articulate his opinion on the matter. This instance raised eyebrows and further intensified concerns about his cognitive abilities.

Massive Wad of Notes During an ESPN Interview

During a softball interview on ESPN, Biden was observed with a massive wad of notes in his hands. This raised questions about his reliance on scripted answers and prompted doubts about his capacity to engage in impromptu conversations and make coherent arguments without extensive preparation.

Biden Acknowledging Women in His Family as Athletes

Another instance that raised concerns was when Biden acknowledged that the women in his family were the real athletes. While this might seem trivial, it showcased a grandiose and possibly disconnected perception of reality, further fueling the speculation around his cognitive state.

Biden’s Cognitive Capacity and IQ Questioned

These series of observations and instances have led many to question Biden’s cognitive capacity and IQ. The struggles to complete sentences, lack of coherency, and reliance on scripted notes have raised serious doubts about his ability to lead the country effectively.

Corporate Media’s Role in Reporting Biden’s Struggles

It is worth mentioning that corporate media reporters, including Sage Steele, have been vocal in claiming that Biden consistently struggled to finish sentences during interviews. While some argue that there may be a bias against Biden, others maintain that these concerns about his cognitive abilities deserve attention and scrutiny.


The revelations made by former ESPN host Sage Steele regarding Joe Biden’s struggles to finish sentences in an unaired version of an interview have sparked widespread discussions about his cognitive abilities and overall fitness as the President of the United States. The instances mentioned, ranging from technical difficulties to Biden’s reliance on scripted notes, have raised questions about his capacity to lead effectively. As these concerns persist, it is crucial to critically analyze the President’s performance and continuously evaluate his ability to fulfill the responsibilities of his office.