California’s NEW Senator Reveals a MAJOR Issue with Democrats

    California's NEW Senator Reveals a MAJOR Issue with Democrats

    California’s NEW Senator Reveals a MAJOR Issue with Democrats


    As I sit down to write this article, I cannot help but reflect on the recent appointment of Laphonza Butler as a senator for California by Governor Gavin Newsom. This decision has raised some eyebrows and brought attention to a major concern within the Democratic Party. While diversity and inclusivity are important, it seems that the criteria for political appointments are increasingly based on race, gender, and LGBTQ+ identity rather than qualifications and experience.

    Identity-Based Appointments: A Troubling Trend

    One of the most concerning aspects of Butler’s appointment is the fact that she currently resides in Maryland, not California. Shouldn’t living in the state be a fundamental qualification for a political role representing that specific state? This raises questions about the selection process and highlights the trend of identity-based appointments.

    It is disheartening to see that politicians are now openly stating that they will only consider individuals of certain races or genders for certain positions. This kind of identity politics does not align with the principles of a meritocracy, where the most qualified candidate should be chosen regardless of their background.

    The Troubling Connection with EMILY’s List

    Another red flag regarding Butler’s appointment is her affiliation with the abortion advocacy group EMILY’s List. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, it is important to question whether such affiliations should influence political appointments. This raises concerns about whether Butler’s agenda aligns with the needs and values of the people she is supposed to represent.

    The Origin of Identity-Based Politics

    This troubling trend of identity-based appointments and accusations of racism may have roots in previous administrations, such as that of Joe Biden and the Obama administration. While their intentions may have been well-meaning, it appears that these policies have inadvertently overshadowed the concept of a qualified candidate, causing many to question the motives behind such appointments.

    Labeling Critics as Racist

    One of the most ironic aspects of this issue is that pointing out these concerns is often labeled as racist or insensitive. As a society, we should be able to have honest and open discussions about these topics without resorting to name-calling or shutting down opposing viewpoints. It is essential to address these issues if we truly want progress and equality for all.


    The appointment of Laphonza Butler as a senator for California highlights a major issue within the Democratic Party. While diversity and inclusivity are important, it should not come at the expense of merit and qualification. The focus on race, gender, and LGBTQ+ identity in political appointments raises questions about whether the best interests of the people are being prioritized. It is crucial that we address this trend of identity-based politics and work towards a system where qualifications and experience are the primary factors in decision-making. Only then can we truly achieve a fair and representative democracy.