Strike Two for RNC Keeping Larry Elder off Debate Stage for Second Time

Strike Two for RNC Keeping Larry Elder off Debate Stage for Second Time


In the world of politics, the struggle for a fair playing field is a recurring theme. Larry Elder, a renowned Republican presidential candidate, recently experienced a setback when he was once again kept off the debate stage by the Republican National Committee (RNC). This unfortunate turn of events marks the second time Elder has faced such exclusion, raising questions about the transparency and fairness of the party’s selection process.

The Rise of Larry Elder

Larry Elder is no stranger to the political scene. With a long and distinguished career as a radio host, author, and commentator, Elder has garnered a significant following for his conservative ideologies and bold viewpoints. However, his path to the debate stage has been fraught with obstacles imposed by the RNC, which has left many wondering about the reasons behind their actions.

Strike One: The RNC’s Initial Exclusion

In the lead-up to the first round of debates, Elder found himself unexpectedly excluded from the stage. Despite meeting the criteria set forth by the RNC, he was denied the opportunity to engage with other Republican candidates in a public forum. This decision drew sharp criticism from Elder’s supporters and raised eyebrows within the political landscape.

The Attempt at Redemption

Despite facing this initial setback, Elder remained steadfast in his pursuit of equality within the GOP. He believed that his exclusion from the debate stage was an unfair and misguided move by the RNC. Determined to have his voice heard, he refocused his efforts on gaining the necessary support and endorsements to meet the requirements for future debates.

Strike Two: History Repeats Itself

Unfortunately for Elder, history repeated itself as he was once again kept off the debate stage by the RNC. This second exclusion only served to reinforce the sense of frustration felt by Elder and his supporters. Many questioned the motives of the RNC, with some even suggesting a deliberate attempt to silence his conservative voice.

The Role of the RNC: Fairness and Transparency

The role of the RNC in selecting candidates for debates is a crucial one. Their decisions have far-reaching implications, as they shape the national conversation surrounding political ideologies and visions for the future. It is therefore essential that the selection process be conducted with fairness, transparency, and free from any biases or ulterior motives.

Questioning the RNC’s Motives

The repeated exclusion of Larry Elder raises valid concerns about the motives of the RNC. Many argue that Elder’s conservative viewpoints make him a unique and valuable contributor to the national political discourse. By keeping him off the debate stage, the RNC effectively stifles the diversity of opinions within the party and diminishes the potential for robust debates on critical issues.

Addressing Systemic Racism and Fatherlessness

One of the central themes of Larry Elder’s campaign is the need to address systemic racism and fatherlessness in America. He believes that these issues are deeply interconnected and must be confronted head-on if any progress is to be made. By excluding Elder from the debate stage, the RNC not only denies him a platform to discuss these pressing matters but also prevents voters from engaging with his proposed solutions.

The Republican Party and the Trump Factor

It is worth noting that the debate in question was also marred by the absence of former President Donald Trump. Trump declined to attend the debate and instead held a competing event, drawing attention away from the main stage. Many Republican candidates, perhaps wary of engaging in controversy, avoided criticizing Trump’s policies or even mentioning his indictments. This further highlights the complex dynamics within the party and the challenges faced by candidates like Larry Elder.


The exclusion of Larry Elder from the debate stage for the second time raises serious questions about the fairness and transparency of the Republican National Committee’s selection process. By denying Elder a platform to share his conservative viewpoints and engage in meaningful discussions, the RNC undermines the diversity of opinions within the party and hinders the advancement of critical issues. As the political landscape evolves, it is essential for political parties to prioritize inclusivity and embrace a wide range of perspectives. Only then can we truly foster robust debates that lead to informed decision-making and progress.