Pete Buttigieg Gets WRECKED Over Unreliable Electric Vehicles

    Pete Buttigieg Gets WRECKED Over Unreliable Electric Vehicles


    If you’ve been following the news lately, you may have heard about the ongoing debate surrounding electric vehicles (EVs). One of the key figures in this discussion is Pete Buttigieg, the current Secretary of Transportation in the United States. Buttigieg has been a staunch advocate for EVs, touting their benefits and advocating for increased adoption. However, recent events have cast doubt on the reliability of EVs, leading to Buttigieg getting wrecked over his position. In this article, we will explore the issues surrounding EV reliability and delve into the criticism faced by Pete Buttigieg.

    The Average Median Income of a Single Individual EV Buyer is $150,000

    Before diving into the criticisms, let’s take a closer look at the demographics of EV buyers. It is widely believed that the average median income of a single individual EV buyer is approximately $150,000. This figure indicates that EVs are primarily favored by individuals with higher incomes, raising questions about equitable access to these vehicles.

    The Average Temperature in a Minnesota Winter is 12°

    Another factor that contributes to concerns about the reliability of EVs is the impact of cold weather. In states like Minnesota, where the average temperature in winter hovers around 12°, the performance of EVs may be compromised. Cold weather affects an EV’s battery life, reducing it by a substantial percentage. This reduction can lead to decreased range and potentially leave drivers stranded in adverse weather conditions.

    Half of the States in the Country Have an Average Winter Temperature Below Freezing

    It’s not just Minnesota that faces the challenge of cold weather; half of the states in the country experience average winter temperatures below freezing. This widespread issue raises concerns about the usability of EVs in regions where extreme cold temperatures are common. If EVs cannot reliably operate in these conditions, it calls into question the feasibility of widespread adoption across the country.

    The Time it Takes for Frostbite to Kick in When an Individual is Stranded in the Cold with a Dead EV Battery is About 30 Minutes

    One of the most alarming aspects of relying on EVs in cold weather is the potential danger it poses to individuals. When someone becomes stranded in the cold with a dead EV battery, the time it takes for frostbite to kick in is approximately 30 minutes. This narrow window of safety highlights the significant risks associated with relying solely on EVs in regions with extreme weather conditions.

    The Average Income Household in the Represented District is $69,000

    As Pete Buttigieg advocates for increased EV adoption, it’s important to consider the socioeconomic implications. The average income household in the represented district is approximately $69,000. This figure suggests that a significant portion of the population may face financial challenges in affording EVs, especially considering the starting price for EV sedans is around $30,000.

    High-income Earners Receive a Taxpayer-funded Subsidy to Purchase their EVs

    Adding to the concerns over equitable access to EVs, it has come to light that high-income earners often receive taxpayer-funded subsidies to purchase their EVs. This raises questions about the fairness of government incentives, as they primarily benefit those who are already financially well-off. The maximum credit eligible for EV purchase is $7,500, which further exacerbates the income disparity in EV adoption.

    The Administration is not Forcing Anyone to Purchase EVs, but Aims for Two-thirds of Americans to be Using Them by 2035

    In response to the criticisms, Pete Buttigieg and the administration are quick to clarify that they are not forcing anyone to purchase EVs. However, their goal is for two-thirds of Americans to be using them by 2035. This ambitious target raises concerns about the potential impact on individuals who may not be ready or able to make the switch to EVs, especially considering the reliability issues discussed earlier.

    In conclusion, Pete Buttigieg’s advocacy for EVs has recently faced significant backlash due to concerns about their reliability. The impact of cold weather, associated safety risks, and questions of equitable access have led to a critical examination of the feasibility of widespread EV adoption. While the administration aims for increased EV usage, it is essential to address the challenges and concerns surrounding these vehicles to ensure an equitable and reliable transition to an electric future.