‘We Know Why They Did It’ – Jim Jordan Eviscerates Merrick Garland On Live Television

'We Know Why They Did It' - Jim Jordan Eviscerates Merrick Garland On Live Television


In a recent appearance before the House, Merrick Garland, the United States Attorney General, faced a barrage of criticism from Representative Jim Jordan. The confrontational exchange centered around Garland’s claim of complete authority despite a U.S Attorney previously declining a case. Jordan, known for his no-nonsense approach, did not hold back in his harsh critique. He questioned why the statute of limitations for tax charges involving Hunter Biden and Burisma had been allowed to lapse and suggested that the investigation had intentionally been slowed down to protect President Biden. Let’s delve into the details of this intense exchange and analyze its implications.

Merrick Garland’s Authority Challenged

During his appearance before the House, Merrick Garland faced intense scrutiny from Representative Jim Jordan. Jordan criticized Garland for asserting complete authority over a case that had already been turned down by a U.S Attorney. This raised questions about the extent of Garland’s control and how he was exercising his power. Jordan’s line of questioning aimed to reveal any potential overreach by Garland and hold him accountable for his decisions.

The Lapsed Statute of Limitations

One of the key points made by Jordan was the lapsed statute of limitations for tax charges involving Hunter Biden and Burisma. Jordan questioned why these charges were not pursued earlier and suggested that this delay was intentional. The implication was that the investigation was deliberately slowed down to shield the President from any potential implications. This accusation is a serious one, as it suggests a deliberate attempt to obstruct justice and protect those in power.

Accusations of “Slow Walking” the Investigation

Representative Jim Jordan accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of “slow walking” the investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma. He claimed that the DOJ was intentionally dragging its feet and not taking the investigation seriously. Jordan argued that this kind of sluggish approach was unacceptable, given the gravity of the allegations and the potential implications for the President. By making these accusations, Jordan sought to highlight what he perceived as a lack of urgency and dedication on the part of the DOJ.

Intentional Lapse of the Statute of Limitations

Another significant point raised by Jim Jordan was the intentional lapse of the statute of limitations and the desire to identify the decision-maker. Jordan argued that allowing the statute of limitations to expire was a deliberate decision made by someone within the DOJ. He emphasized the need to hold individuals accountable for such strategic moves and to uncover the motivations behind them. Jordan’s line of questioning aimed to shed light on who was responsible for this decision and what their intentions were.

Implications for the President

Representative Jim Jordan repeatedly stressed the importance of the investigation into Burisma, highlighting its potential implications for the President. He contended that the findings of the investigation could directly implicate President Biden and reveal crucial information about his involvement. By drawing attention to this connection, Jordan aimed to emphasize the significance of expeditiously uncovering the truth and holding the President accountable if necessary.

DOJ Accused of Obstruction

In a scathing attack, Jim Jordan accused the Department of Justice of intentionally obstructing the investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma. He argued that their lack of action and sluggish approach effectively prevented the case from moving forward. Jordan’s accusation of obstruction highlighted his belief that powerful entities were actively working to impede the pursuit of justice. By doing so, he sought to rally public support and call for an investigation into the actions of the DOJ.


The fiery exchange between Jim Jordan and Merrick Garland during Garland’s appearance before the House showcased the intense scrutiny and criticism faced by the United States Attorney General. Jordan’s pointed questions and allegations of intentional obstruction and protection of the President revealed a deep skepticism towards the motivations and actions of the Department of Justice. As this confrontation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma will progress and whether the allegations made by Jordan will be substantiated. In the meantime, public interest in this case remains high, and individuals like Representative Jordan continue to question and challenge those in positions of power.

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